
n. 旋转,回旋;昏乱;一连串的事;短暂的旅行


And suddenly the three whirl, stare back and as they do --
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
It was a good thing Deets had offered to help. Lorena’s mare balked and wouldn’t take the water. She would go in chest- deep and then whirl and climb back up the bank, showing the whites of her eyes and trying to run. Despite herself, Lorena felt her fear rising. Once, already, the mare had nearly fallen. She might really fall, trapping Lorena beneath the green water. She tried to control her fear—she would have to get across many rivers if she was to get to San Francisco—but the mare kept flouncing and trying to turn and Lorena couldn’t help being afraid. She could see Jake on the other bank. He didn’t look very concerned.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
137B THRUOMITTED: 137C 139EXTHELICOPTER LANDING PADDAY The helicopter rotors whirl to life as the chopper waits on the landing cross. Two Jeeps ROAR up next to it, one driven by GRANT, the other by HAMMOND.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Grant and the kids whirl at the sound, but can't place it, as it seems to come from all around them. They look back towards the stampede. The herd spontaneously changes direction again, and now they're headed straight at them.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
They whirl to see the Queen Mother, who has entered through the main door. She hurries to the space between her sons, hugging Phillippe, then trying to hug Louis.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
The Protagonist looks into Kat’s frightened eyes... between them, embedded in a whirl of cracked glass, is a BULLET... Sator TURNS to meet the Protagonist’s gaze – his movements have the surreal edge of backwards motion as he places his GUN AGAINST KAT’S HEAD and pulls out his phone... He holds his PHONE up and plays a recording IN REVERSE –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script