
blaze a trail; 开拓道路,有点刀耕火种的意思。~blank; vt. 在树皮上刻路标;公开宣布n. 火焰;火灾;烈火;(动物面部的)白斑;(感情的)迸发,发泄;(光或色彩等的)展现 v. (怒火)燃烧;闪耀;熊熊燃烧;连续射击;大肆宣扬;怒视;发亮光


88 EXT. BOAT DECK - NIGHT The stars blaze overhead, so bright and clear you can see the Milky Way.
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He raises his right hand high, his eyes blaze, and his voice takes on a tone we have not heard before.
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Little Eddie giggled his nervous giggle again as he watched his brother set the dead men’s clothes on fire. Even with the coal oil it wasn’t easy—Dan had to splash them several times before he got their clothes wet enough to blaze. But finally he did, and the clothes flared up. It was a terrible sight. Jake thought he wouldn’t look, but despite himself he did. The men’s sweaty clothes were burned right off them, and their scraggly beards seared. A few rags of clothes fell off beneath their feet. The men’s pants burned off, leaving their belts and a few shreds of cloth around their waists.
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360. The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.
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And so we wander eyes closed to the dark while technology, science, medicine and godlessness blaze illusions around us.
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Lightning snaps out in one brief blaze, leaping to surround- ing machinery, arcing to Sarah's wristwatch. All the Terminator's energy is released in one second.
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249 EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT249 Sarah crawls away from the intense heat and lies watching the motionless figure in the blaze.
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"Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay.
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The prodigal son returns in a blaze of gravel.
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You’re bleeding. Let me take a look – SUDDENLY THEY HEAR THE BUILDING WHINE OF JET ENGINES. The Protagonist YANKS up the handle, THROWS OPEN THE DOOR – EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Onto PANDEMONIUM – FIRE CREWS BATTLE the blaze, chunks of metal on the ground IGNITE, SHUDDER and LEAP ONTO THE AIRFRAME... STREAMS of water RISE up onto the plane – The Protagonist HURRIES BACKWARDS, PULLING THE GURNEY towards the plane, steering around debris that might suddenly – A SHEET OF FLAMING METAL SPINS off the ground, shearing into them, KNOCKING the GURNEY – they duck, HOLDING ON TO THE GURNEY, the metal FLIES into the air, SLAMS into its hole on the side of the plane... the Protagonist spots a line under the fuselage, between flames, towards the breach... Come on!
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script