
n. 胡子,髭


The light had gone off at the Pumphreys’ and the armadillo was no longer there to roll its shadow at him. The pigs were stretched out on the porch, lying practically snout to snout. Augustus was about to kick them off to make room for the guest he more or less expected, but they looked so peaceful he relented and went around to the back door. If Dish Boggett, with his prairie dog of a mustache, considered himself too refined to throw his bedroll beside two fine pigs, then he could rout them out himself.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Dish Boggett was sitting at one of the tables with Lorena, hoping to persuade her to give him a poke on credit. Though Dish was barely twenty-two, he wore a walrus mustache that made him look years older than he was, and much more solemn. In color the mustache was stuck between yellow and brown—kind of prairie-dog-colored, Augustus thought. He frequently suggested to Dish that if he wanted to eat prairie dog he ought to remember to pick his teeth, a reference to the mustache whose subtlety was lost on Dish.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Xavier himself had a near-monopoly on fastidiousness in Lonesome Dove. He wore a white shirt the year round, clipped his little mustache once a week and even wore a bow tie, or, at least, a black shoestring that did its best to serve as a bow tie. Some cowpoke had swiped Xavier’s last real bow tie, probably meaning to try and impress some girl somewhere up the trail. Since the shoestring was limp, and not stiff like a bow tie should be, it merely added to the melancholy of Xavier’s appearance, which would have been melancholy enough without it. He had been born in New Orleans and had ended up in Lonesome Dove because someone had convinced him Texas was the land of opportunity. Though he soon discovered otherwise, he was too proud or too fatalistic to attempt to correct his mistake. He approached day-to-day life in the Dry Bean with a resigned temper, which on occasion stopped being resigned and became explosive. When it exploded, the placid air was apt to be rent by Creole curses.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Nobody would be loony enough to hire you to cook, Woodrow,” Augustus said. “The cap is supposed to keep the cook’s old greasy hairs from falling into the food. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of Bol’s hairs have found their way into this sow bosom.” Newt looked at Bolivar, sitting over by the stove in his dirty serape. Bolivar’s hair looked like it had had a can of secondhand lard poured over it. Once every few months Bol would change clothes and go visit his wife, but his efforts at improving his appearance never went much higher than his mustache, which he occasionally tried to wax with grease of some kind.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
SEA OTTER: I sold weed once to this Amish dude, had one of those beards with no mustache?
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
36 INT. KACANDES DINER - DAY (OCT ‘88) 36 Jordan sits with CHESTER MING, ROBBIE FEINBERG, ALDEN KUPFERBERG (”SEA OTTER”) and BRAD, muscular and bald, with a Fu Manchu mustache.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
DWAYNE, slovenly, 35, with a walrus mustache, looks up.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Like I have to have a mustache?
>> 硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script