

It's hard to be kind of objective about science when you're staring face-to-face on a uniform that's been there for 75 years on the USS Arizona.>>完整场景
I'll set you up with a face-to-face awesome, where is that?>>完整场景
We can destroy cities, alter the planet irreversibly speak instantaneously face-to-face from across the globe.>>完整场景
Rumack and Elaine are now standing face-to-face. Oveur, in the f.g., is at controls.>>完整场景
You probably f*** her face-to-face, don't you?>>完整场景
If you happen to cross their path, a face-to-face encounter always leaves a big impression.>>完整场景
I don't know, exactly. For now, our boys on the force are keeping our associates calm. But I'd like to meet face-to-face, let them air their concerns, do a little damage control.>>完整场景
Oh, that could be a tall order, B.P. I doubt that Drew's anxious to see you face-to-face. Joe steps in.>>完整场景
No, I'm out of business, right, Quince? However I do have some unfinished business -- with Drew. Get him out here. Get him on the chopper and get him out here to- night. I want to tell this guy how I feel about him face-to-face.>>完整场景