
n. 刺痛;刺毛;讽刺,刺激


Your issue will feel its sting, be it by the bosun's hand or your own.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
But it always came back, for sooner or later men around the campfires or the wagon or the outfit would begin to talk of whores, and the thought of Maggie would sting his mind as sweat stings a cut. He had only seen her for a few months.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Call got his rifle, out of the scabbard and cleaned it, though it was in perfect order. Sometimes the mere act of cleaning a gun, an act he had performed thousands of times, would empty his mind of jarring thoughts and memories—but this time it didn’t work. Gus had jarred him with mention of Maggie, the bitterest memory of his life. She had died in Lonesome Dove some twelve years before, but the memory had lost none of its salt and sting, for what had happened with her had been unnecessary and was now uncorrectable. He had made mistakes in battle and led men to their deaths, but his mind didn’t linger on those mistakes; at least the battles had been necessary, and the men soldiers. He could feel that he hadBut Maggie had not been a fighting man—just a needful young whore, who had for some reason fixed on him as the man who could save her from her own mistakes. Gus had known her first, and Jake, and many other men, whereas he had only visited her out of curiosity to find out what it was that he had heard men talk and scheme about for so long. It turned out not to be much, in his view—a brief, awkward experience, where the pleasure was soon drowned in embarrassment and a feeling of sadness. He ought not to have gone back twice, let alone a third time, yet something drew him back—not so much the need of his own flesh as the helplessness and need of the woman. She had such frightened eyes. He never met her in the saloon but came up the back stairs, usually after dark; she would be standing just inside the door waiting, her face anxious. Some weakness in him brought him back every few nights, for two months or more. He had never said much to her, but she said a lot to him. She had a small, quick voice, almost like a child’s. She would talk constantly, as if to cover his embarrassment at what they had met to do. Some nights he would sit for half an hour, for he came to like her talk, though he had long since forgotten what she had said. But when she talked, her face would relax for a while, her eyes lose their fright. She would clasp his hand while she talked—one night she buttoned his shirt. And when he was ready to leave—always a need to leave, to be away, would come over him—she would look at him with fright in her face again, as if she had one more thing to say but couldn’t say it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Ma called me her Janey,” the girl said. “I run off from old Sam.” “Oh,” Roscoe said, wishing that the wasps had picked another time to sting him, and also that the girl named Janey had picked another time to run off.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He might have choked on a pepper,” Augustus said. “Them that can’t be killed by knives or bullets usually break their necks falling off the porch or something. Remember Johnny Norvel, dying of that bee sting? I guess Johnny had been shot twenty times, but a dern bee killed him.” It was true. The man had rangered with them, and yet the bee sting had given him a seizure of some kind, and no one could bring him out of it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
# If you would like to cure the fever called life # Get some relief from all the struggle and strife # The grandest medicine that I can propose is under your nose # A snake in the grass-ss # If you would like a spot where life never goes # Where you can leave your body home in your clothes # The finest travel agent you'll ever meet is right at your feet # A snake in the grass-ss # One sting # And you can say goodbye to all of your friends # One sting # And you'll be singing as your spirit ascends # All's well that ends # So any day or night, wherever you are # If you would like to take a trip to a star # The quickest transportation yet known to man is none other than # A snake in the grass-ss # A snake in the grass-ss # A snake in the grass-ss # If you would like to leave that inhuman race # And take up residence out yonder in space # When you are ready to go travelling on # Sit right down upon a snake in the grass-ss # One sting # Is quite enough to make you happy and free # One sting # And you'll discover how relaxed you can be # Posthumously # And while you're wandering through the heavenly blue # If you should see the Lord come strolling in view # Go up and say you bring him best wishes from his fallen old chum # A snake in the grass-ss # A snake in the grass-ss # A snake in the grass-ss # One sting # It's almost painless # A snake in the grass-ss # A snake in the grass-ss # A snake in the grass-ss # I'll be waiting # Wait a minute. Just a moment.
>> 小王子1974 The Little Prince Movie Script
You see, I have this special... sting.
>> 小王子1974 The Little Prince Movie Script
Bet your sweet ass that don't sting like a b*tch.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script