
n. 瓷;瓷器


In the past, we've seen cups, things that are porcelain in nature don't collect marine growth, they stay white.>>完整场景
- The soap dish looks white, so it must be a porcelain.>>完整场景
5 INT. BBC BROADCASTING STUDIO - DAY 5 A gentleman in a tuxedo, carnation in boutonniere, is gargling while a TECHNICIAN holds a porcelain bowl and a towel at the ready. The man in the tuxedo is a BBC NEWS READER. He expectorates discreetly into the bowl, wipes his mouth fastidiously, and signals to ANOTHER TECHNICIAN who produces an atomizer. The Reader opens his mouth, squeezes the rubber bulb, and sprays his inner throat. Now, he's ready. He looks to the control room.>>完整场景
Meanwhile, inside — INT WOMEN'S BATHROOM. THE COMET LOUNGE - NIGHT BRUCE picks the TOILET CAKE out of a filthy toilet and shatters it against the porcelain sink. He drops that into the PLASTIC JUG and starts mixing liquids in an empty BEER BOTTLE — AMMONIA, BLEACH, PEROXIDE.>>完整场景