
n. 盒式磁带;暗盒;珠宝箱;片匣


Great party... Ashema smiles a sheepish smile. Drew decides that if they are going to have a good time, he's going to have a hand in it. He pulls out a cassette tape, gives it to Ashema DREW (CONT'D) Play this when I signal, OK?>>完整场景
The disciples have grabbed their pillows. Drew pops the cassette into his boom box and turns it on, low and sultry.>>完整场景
LIPSKY (V.O.) You didn’t slip into the books looking for story, information, but for a particular experience. The sensation, for a certain number of pages, of being David Foster Wallace.” With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, he inserts cassette #1 in the machine and presses play. The sound of David’s voice mid-tape, is both comforting and moving.>>完整场景
551. In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger.>>完整场景
Sarah speaks quietly into a hand microphone as a dark- complected attendant laconically fills her tank. She cradles the cassette recorder in her lap, in the lee of her SWOLLEN BELLY.>>完整场景
The sign above the entrance of the building reads: CYBER DYNAMICS CORPORATION SLOW DISSOLVE TO: 259 INT./EXT. LANDROVER - LATE AFTERNOON 259 MACRO ON CASSETTE RECORDER, the center capstans of a tape turning.>>完整场景
Ginger is adjusting her ever-present WALKMAN-TYPE CASSETTE PLAYER at her hip. She slips on the earphones as they walk along.>>完整场景
It's going to take more than a cassette to get you two out of this, because the news is all bad.>>完整场景
It's for you... (beat) She wanted to tell you something. The father becomes very still. His eyes fill with a storm of confusion and pain. After the longest time, the father reaches and gently takes the box out of Cole's small hands.Cole begins to back away... The father gazes at Cole as he melts into the crowd. Cole reaches Malcolm and the two then slip out of the house. The father looks down in a daze. He goes to open the jewelry box. His movements are slow and strained. He lifts the latch and open the box. Mr. Collins stares at an unlabeled video cassette.>>完整场景