
n. 住处;寓所


Not through the cliff dwelling.>>完整场景
Tell him to go in through the cliff dwelling, shore it up and get him out fast.>>完整场景
Mr Tatum is now approaching the entrance to the cliff dwelling to start another one of his perilous journeys into the underground mazes of this dread mountain.>>完整场景
I know all about shoring and bracing... Mr Kusac, you see, this is a cliff dwelling and not a silver mine.>>完整场景
That's what we call a stratified formation. And that means... Wait just a second! There's Mr Tatum making his way toward the cliff dwelling.>>完整场景
Ladies and gentlemen, something phenomenal is going on here, right in front of this 400-year-old cliff dwelling.>>完整场景
Say, if you gents stopped by to see that broken-down cliff dwelling, you sure picked a swell day.>>完整场景
There's just an old lady in there that's... Now, what would the law be doing up there in that old Indian cliff dwelling?>>完整场景
37 INT. 10 DOWNING STREET - CONTINUOUS 37 CAMERA explores the dwelling, during which Hitler grows louder and more shrill, until: 38 INT. BALDWIN'S STUDY - CONTINUOUS 38 The glowing light of an illuminated dial of a radio, listened to by Churchill and Baldwin. They wear black armbands.>>完整场景
And made his dwelling among us.>>完整场景