
n. 惊奇;奇迹;惊愕


Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?>>完整场景
And after which betrayal did you cut out your heart, I wonder.>>完整场景
I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them?>>完整场景
What's the significance of that, I wonder.>>完整场景
But I cannot help but wonder... Why?>>完整场景
But I wonder, Sparrow, can you live with this?>>完整场景
I wonder why they left this behind ?>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The once-pristine hospital with its glowing white beds is now a bloody chaos. Every bed is already full; there are burned and broken people on the floor -- soldiers, sailors, civilians, firemen, all mixed in together. People are dying everywhere, and screaming in pain, or moaning and begging for help. At first we don't see Evelyn, and wonder if she survived the glass; then we see her, flecks of her own blood dotting her face and arms. The blood of soldiers on her surgical apron. A steel calm has replaced her earlier frenzy, even as the other nurses are breaking down.>>完整场景
Yamamoto nods; Genda speaks again into his radio, and another plane swoops down and drops a torpedo. Genda holds his hands to his ears, causing the others to do the same; even though they wonder at the need.>>完整场景
And I wonder, I wonder, what your incentives might be.>>完整场景
And the more they need me, the more I start to wonder, am I up for this?>>完整场景
And every time that he gives you disrespect, or he misbehave, or get into trouble, you gotta wonder to yourself, maybe I saved the wrong one?>>完整场景
Of course, with this kind of move you wonder whether the stock may have been mispriced whether or not perhaps they left a little money on the table.>>完整场景
What? No wonder it's getting so warm in here!>>完整场景
The group disburses, shaking their heads in wonder. Li comes up to Drew, who is still lying on the ground.>>完整场景
I wonder what that jerk is up to in his cubbyhole right now.>>完整场景
Look! He's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.>>完整场景
“Why Texas beats me,” Soupy said. “I always heard he was from Tennessee.” “I wonder what he’d have to say about being dead?” Needle said. “Gus always had something to say about everything.” Po Campo began to jingle his tambourine lightly, and the Irishman whistled sadly.>>完整场景
“I do,” Call said. “You got a good head, if you’d use it. A man with a good head can be useful.” “Doing what, braiding ropes?” Augustus asked. “Not my style, Captain.” “Your goddamn style is your downfall, and it’s a wonder it didn’t come sooner. Any special funeral?” “Yes, I’ve been thinking of that,” Augustus said. “I’ve a big favor to ask you, and one more to do you.” “What favor?” “The favor I want from you will be my favor to you,” Augustus said. “I want to be buried in Clara’s orchard.” “In Nebraska?” Call asked, surprised. “I didn’t see no orchard.” Augustus chuckled. “Not in Nebraska,” he said. “In Texas. By that little grove of live oaks on the south Guadalupe.>>完整场景
“It ain’t complicated,” Augustus maintained. “Most men doubt their own abilities. You don’t. It’s no wonder they want to keep you around. It keeps them from having to worry about failure all the time.” “They ain’t failures, most of them,” Call pointed out. “They can do perfectly well for themselves.” Augustus chuckled. “You work too hard,” he said. “It puts most men to shame. They figure out they can’t keep up, and it’sjust a step or two from that to feeling that they can’t do nothing much unless you’re around to get them started.>>完整场景
“Pea, you ain’t got your grip on the point,” Augustus said. “I just wanted to chase a buffalo once more. I won’t have the chance much longer, and nobody else will either, because there won’t be no buffalo to chase. It’s a grand sport too.” “Them bulls can hook you,” Pea Eye reminded him. “Remember old Barlow? A buffalo bull hooked his horse and the horse fell on Barlow and broke his hip.” “Barlow was a slow thinker,” Augustus observed. “He just loped along and got hooked.” “A slow walker, too, once his hip got broke,” Pea Eye said. “I wonder what happened to Barlow.” “I think he migrated to Seguin, or somewhere over in there,” Augustus said. “Married a fat widow and had a passel of offspring. You ought to have done the same, but here you are in Montana.” “Well, I’d hate not to be a bachelor,” Pea Eye said.>>完整场景
Augustus and Pea Eye passed him nearly a mile from camp. “Po, you’re a rambler,” Augustus said. “What do you expect to find on this old plain?” “Wild onions,” Po Campo said. “I’d like an onion.” “I’d like a jug of bourbon whiskey, myself,” Augustus said. “I wonder which one of us will get his wish.” “Adios,” Po Campo said.>>完整场景
But he had a son now, a baby he saw every day at supper and breakfast. His son was the darling of the ranch. The women and girls passed Martin around as if he belonged to them all; Lorena had developed a rapport with him and took the main responsibility for him when Clara was off with the horses. The baby was happy, and no wonder, with two women and twogirls to spoil him. July could hardly imagine what the women would do if he tried to take the baby and raise him in Arkansas. Anyway, such a plan was not feasible.>>完整场景
It would have been so much better to stay where they had lived, by the old river. Deets felt a longing to be back, to sit in the corrals at night and wonder about the moon. Many a time he had dozed off, wondering about the moon, whether the Indians had managed to get on it. Sometimes he dreamed he was on it himself—a foolish dream. But the thought made him sleepy, and with one more look of regret at the dead boy who hadn’t understood that he meant no harm, he carefully lay down on his side. Mr. Gus knelt beside him. For a moment Deets thought he was going to try to pull the lance out, but all he did was steady it so the handle wouldn’t quiver.>>完整场景