adj. 未完成的
- “Certainly,” Augustus said. “I never met a soul in this world as normal as me.” “And yet here you sit, far out on the naked plain, with a shy woman you had to rescue,” Wilbarger pointed out. “How many skunks did you have to kill in order to rescue her?” “A passel,” Augustus said. “I got the peons but the jefe got away. A bandit named Blue Duck, whom I’d advise you to give a wide berth unless you’re skilled in battle.” “You think he’s around? I’ve heard of the scamp.” “No, I think he’s headed for the Purgatory River,” Augustus said. “But then, I underestimated him once, which is why the lady got abducted. I’m out of practice when it comes to figuring out bandits.” “She’s a little peaked, that girl,” Wilbarger said. “You ought to take her back to Fort Worth. There’s not much in the way of accommodations or medical care north of here.” “We’ll ease along,” Augustus said. “Where shall I return this tent?” “I have business in Denver, later in the year,” Wilbarger said. “That’s if I live, of course. Send it over to Denver, if you have a chance. I don’t use the dern thing much, but I might next winter, if I’m still out where it’s windy.” “I’m enjoying this whiskey,” Augustus said. “A man is foolish to give up the stable pleasure of life just to follow a bunch of shitting cattle.” “You have a point, and it’s a point I’ve often taxed myself with,” Wilbarger said. “If you’re such a normal boy then how come you done it?” “Unfinished business in Ogallala, Nebraska,” Augustus said. “I’d hate to grow old without finishing it.” “I see,” Wilbarger said. “Another shy lady who must have got abducted.” They drank until the bottle was empty.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “You in a hurry to get shot at, my lord,” he said. Then he walked over and stood looking down into the unfinished well.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- And so, the facility sits unused, unfinished... when it could be completed and ready to receive visitors in less than a month.>> 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script
- Through the gate, they can see the lobby of the visitor's center below. They're directly above the skeletons of the dinosaurs, the T- rex and the sauropod it's attacking. The unfinished skeletons are surrounded by scaffolding.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- He reaches it, ducks inside, and pulls the door after him - - - - but there's no latch, just a round hole in the unfinished door. Gennaro backs into a stall, frantic.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- But the place is unfinished, with unattached cables, construction materials, and ladders scattered about.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- 18 INTVISITOR'S CENTERDAY The lobby of the still-unfinished visitor's center is a high- ceilinged place, and has to be house its central feature, a large skeleton of a tyrannosaur that is attacking bellowing sauropod.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- The largest building is the visitor's center, several stories tall, its walls still skeletal, unfinished. There's a huge glass rotunda in the center.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- Some unfinished business.>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
- "I want death to find me "planting my cabbages... "...careless of death and still more... of my unfinished garden." Hello.>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
- [JFK] The vast stretches of the unknown, and the unanswered, and the unfinished, still far outstrip our collective comprehension.>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
- It's 3 a.m.. okay? I don't have the energy to defend an unfinished design.>> 硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script
- Her journey, her revenge, her victory, her unfinished business, is completed.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- You and I have unfinished business.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- It's Crazy 88 MIKI's turn at the mike and he's having a whale of a good time singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By," in Japanese.... WHEN... A COMMOTION is heard being made by the restaurant staff and the other patrons, from the other side of the white paper wall...Just as they all start to notice it, they hear; THE BRIDE(O.S., JAPANESE) O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business! The Crazy 88 spring to their feet. One slides open the door.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- (leans in close) Just because I have no wish to murder you before the eyes of your daughter, does not mean parading her around in front of me is going to inspire sympathy. You and I have unfinished business.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- PAUL'S BED, empty. The chain and shackle lie beside it, andPaul's Fantastic Comics lies on the ground. An unfinished letter in his handwriting crumpled beside it.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- No, I'm out of business, right, Quince? However I do have some unfinished business -- with Drew. Get him out here. Get him on the chopper and get him out here to- night. I want to tell this guy how I feel about him face-to-face.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script