
n. 不规则物;不合规格的产品


Merger last spring where some investors got a memo prematurely, or a couple of rogue trades... -...that Compliance flags as irregular.
>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
“I notice you’ve taken a fancy to young Mr. Johnson,” Augustus said. “I expect if I did stay around he’d beat me out.” “He’s nearly as dull as Woodrow Call, but he’s nicer,” Clara said. “He’ll do what he’s told, mostly, and I’ve come to appreciate that quality in a man. I could never count on you to do what you’re told.” “So do you aim to marry him?” “No, that’s one of the things I’m through with,” Clara said. “Of course I ain’t quite—poor Bob ain’t dead. But if he passes away, I’m through with it.” Clara smiled. Augustus chuckled. “I hope you ain’t contemplating an irregular situation,” he said.Clara smiled. “What’s irregular about having a boarder?” she asked. “Lots of widows take boarders. Anyway, he likes my girls better than he likes me. He might be ready to marry again by the time Sally’s of age.” At that moment Sally was chattering away to young Newt, who was getting his first taste of conversation with a sprightly young lady.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
A little later, while Clara was frying the chicken, Call came up from the lots. He wanted to buy some horses and had found some to his liking, but neither Cholo nor July would make the deal. They had shown him the horses readily enough, but informed him that Clara made all the deals. It seemed irregular to him: two grown men right there, and yet he was forced to do business with a woman.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But a runaway girl was not the sort of guide he had in mind. After all, the only reason he was looking for July was to report on a runaway woman. How would it look if he showed up with another? July would think it highly irregular, and if the folks back in Fort Smith got wind of it it could easily be made to look bad. After all, old Sam hadn’t kept her around just because she could fry a possum in the dark.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
631. Regretfully, we can't regulate the irregular liner on the gulf.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
109 CONTINUED: 109 One of the running guerrillas trips over Gordy and goessprawling. The guerrilla, wearing the motley uniform ofan irregular soldier, whips a look back, and... Gordy finds himself staring into the battle-hardened eyesof a fierce young woman. In a heartbeat... The woman jumps back to her feet, and joins her comradeslaying down a suppressing FIRE at the soldiers. Spentcartridges rain down around Gordy, as the AK-47 ON FULLAUTO chops loudly over his head. And then... 110 NEW ANGLE 110 The guerrillas are gone.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script