vt. 传播;辐射;广播;发射;流露
- Despite his nervousness, he draws with sure strokes, and what emerges is the best thing he has ever done. Her pose is languid, her hands beautiful, and her eyes radiate her energy.
尽管他很紧张,但他画得很有把握,这是他做过的最好的事情。她的姿势显得懒散,她的手很漂亮,她的眼睛散发着能量。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- Brock looks closely at the drawing, which is in excellent shape, though its edges have partially disintegrated. The woman is beautiful, and beautifully rendered. In her late teens or early twenties, she is nude, though posed with a kind of casual modesty. She is on an Empire divan, in a pool of light that seems to radiate outward from her eyes. Scrawled in the lower right corner is the date: April 14 1912. And the initials JD.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- MICHAEL radiates danger...SONNY stops laughing.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- The MUSIC STOPS. But the attention is not directed at the throne; all eyes shift to the main doorway, where Anne has appeared. She is indescribably beautiful; she wears a bright gown, her hair is brushed and bejeweled, she radiates the light of a woman who felt old at thirty and who has discovered, at forty, that she is more stunning than ever.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script