
n. 裁判员;调解人;介绍人


The referee signals for the fighters to come to the center. They do, and he motions for them to bow to each other.>>完整场景
The referee comes over to Trevor, and raises his fist up in victory. Trevor tears his arm away and SCREAMS TO THE CROWD: TREVOR (CONT'D) I'M NOT DONE!>>完整场景
ANNOUNCER: Fighting for the Grand Championship: Trevor Gottitall and Drew Carson. 3 rounds, max point. Gentlemen, bow to the ref, to each other... The referee gives them a signal and the fight begins. Drew is holding his own, but Trevor is scoring. After several flashy moves, the round is over.>>完整场景
[ Adams ] Hey, Beany, how does an one-armed referee say "field goal" ?>>完整场景
Gentlemen, we all know this is illegal and against Club practice and I'd like to ask at this time if you all agree to waive all sanction against said referee or anything that might get me fired.>>完整场景
Forrest runs into the end zone as an opposing player dives at his feet. The referee holds up his arm, signaling a touch down. The crowd cheers wildly.>>完整场景