
adj. 耀眼的;眼花缭乱的


THE MAN IN BLACK feet from the top now, maybe less -- maybe only 50 -- and his pace is as dazzling as before, and>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: The story he's reading about, as the monochromatic look of the bedroom is replaced by the dazzling color of the English countryside.>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: A dazzling concept...beautifully phrased.>>完整场景
Glistening medals attached to front of jacket create a dazzling field of ribbons and medallions.>>完整场景
750. The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.>>完整场景
IN THE HALLWAY, FOLLOWING PHILLIPPE as he conducts himself through the ornate corridor, down the gilded staircase... and into -- INT. BALLROOM - NIGHT Phillippe enters the ballroom, and the reappearance of the "King" draws new attention. Everyone in the dazzling ballroom seems to stop and look straight at Phillippe.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE BALLROOM - NIGHT A magnificent masquerade ball is in full swirl; the dazzling light of chandeliers bounces off the gilt ceiling and sparkles on the jewels of swirling dancers, their numbers multiplied in the polished mirrors that line the walls.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - KING'S ROOM - DAY As Louis' tailors outfit him in a dazzling gold peacock costume, complete with a jeweled mask at the end of a wand, he amuses himself by looking out the window at the beautiful young women arriving early for the ball.>>完整场景