n. 复仇;报仇;报复
- EX CU The Hanzo Sword, her white hand with her long fingers COMES INTO FRAME and removes the beautiful, artful instrument of vengeance.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- She smiles. If the X hadn't been there, she would have taken it as a sign that her vengeance quest was never meant to be.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- THE BRIDE(V.O.) Now after five years of beauty sleep I knew absolutely nothing about my enemies' strengths weakness or whereabouts. But as fated by God vengeance would have it, I who knew nothing - knew one thing. As sure as God made little green apples... WE MOVE FAST TO O-REN ISHII'S SILHOUETTE, The SILHOUETTE BECOMES A POSED PICTURE OF O-REN in all her Deadly Viper glory.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- The Bride looks down at him....The VENGEANCE THEME BEGINS PLAYING LOUDLY ON The SOUNDTRACK, and the VEIN IN HER FOREHEAD BECOMES PRONOUNCED and begins to PULSATE IN TIME WITH The MUSIC. Every time The Bride comes face to face with a tormenter, this Theme will play on the soundtrack. By mid movie this music should drive the audience wild with orgasmic anticipation of the carnage to come and With the door in her hand and one mighty slam, this Longview Texas boy is sent to the Promised Land.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- The BRIDE ON THE PORCH We Zoom quick out of her eyes to CU, a VENGEANCE THEME PLAYS LOUD ON THE SOUNDTRACK.(Whenever we hear this theme throughout the picture, we'll quickly learn what accompanies it is The Bride goin Krakatoa all over whoever's ass happens to be in front of her at that moment.) As the Vengeance Theme plays, a Vein in The Bride's forehead begins to pulsate. When the Vengeance Theme stops, The Bride ATTACKS The Housewife.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- Vengeance is like an open wound.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script