
n. 家庭主妇


VIEW BY MICHAEL'S HOUSE Kay exits her house, followed by her children; she helps them into her station wagon like any housewife, and drives along the path leading to the main gate.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. TENEMENT STAIRS - DAY Clemenza runs up a flight of stairs with an armful of dresses. He knocks on a door, and a pretty HOUSEWIFE answers.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
So what do you do all day now that youre a housewife?
>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
TV ANCHORWOMAN: ...and a police spokesman at the scene refused to speculate on a motive for the execution- style slaying of the Encino housewife. He did however say that an accurate description of the suspect has been compiled from several witnesses. Once again, Sarah Connor, thirty-five, mother of two, brutally shot to death in her home this afternoon.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
As The Housewife fixes the coffee, we hear The Bride's VOICEOVER ON THE SOUNDTRACK: THE BRIDE(V.O.) This Pasadena homemaker's name is Jeanne Bell. Her husband is Dr.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The Bride sits down at the kitchen table, while The Housewife pours both of them coffee.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The two women move into the kitchen. The Bride re-sheaths her SOG, and The Housewife puts the butcher knife back in the drawer.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The Housewife switches to her mommy voice.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The HOUSEWIFE hops off The Bride, runs into the kitchen, opens a drawer and comes out with a HUGE MOTHERFUCKIN BUTCHER KNIFE.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
They land hard on the floor covered in broken glass, locked in grapple, each trying to get the best of the other one,... When The Housewife HEADBUTTS The Bride in the nose.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The Housewife scrambles up on her feet, but is caught by a FLYING TACKLE from behind by The Bride that sends them both into........ An ornamental iron and tempered-glass bookcase that has framed family photos, display toys, some African art, and a collection of painted commemorative plates depicting the negro experience in the American military. Starting with a plate featuring Cripis Atkins in the revolutionary war, negro troops in union blue during the civil war, Buffalo soldiers fighting Indians, the Jim Crow troops of the first world war, the colored troops of world war two, Korea, Vietnam, and finally Colin Powell....The Bride and The Housewife CRASH THROUGH all this reducing everything to rubble.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The HOUSEWIFE KICKS The Bride, sending her CRASHING backwards into the small table where the phone, a note pad(for messages), and the mail is kept.
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The BRIDE ON THE PORCH We Zoom quick out of her eyes to CU, a VENGEANCE THEME PLAYS LOUD ON THE SOUNDTRACK.(Whenever we hear this theme throughout the picture, we'll quickly learn what accompanies it is The Bride goin Krakatoa all over whoever's ass happens to be in front of her at that moment.) As the Vengeance Theme plays, a Vein in The Bride's forehead begins to pulsate. When the Vengeance Theme stops, The Bride ATTACKS The Housewife.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
FLASHBACK - SPAGHETTI WESTERN STYLE (That means our Heroine is remembering something, and we see it with an orange filter.) We're back inside the wedding chapel. The Bride is taking the beating of her life by four people in black suits. A black woman PUNCHES HER in the face... WE see it's the black housewife, five years earlier.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
A long, white female finger pushes a doorbell. EXT. RESIDENTIAL PASADENA STREET - DAY The front door opens and an attractive black HOUSEWIFE the same age as The Bride stands in the doorway.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
'Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the 14-year-old 'should contact Merseyside Police immediately. 'A housewife in Cheshire has been...' I heard you. Singing. Why did you pretend you couldn't talk? Please. Say something in Welsh. Go on. Teach me some swear words. Cachgi. What's that? Sh*t dog or...coward. Another. Coc oen. Coc oen. Lamb's cock. What was it like? With you and Elliot's mum? What was what like? You know. The sex. Just sex. Put you off? No. Did you love her? To be honest, not even sure I liked her. Don't you want to do it with someone you like? If I meet someone, yeah. ELLIOT CRIES SOFTLY I'll just check to see if I've heard from Nathan. Boyfriend? He'd like to be. He's older.Only chance I get to talk to lads. My dad won't let me. Treats me like a kid. Can't go anywhere on my own, except the farm. Maybe he just wants to look after you? How would you like it? He wants to meet me. Be careful, Nia. He could be some paedo. - He's not. - How do you know? Could be some old perv. You don't want to be doing it with some old fella. What's up? I'm going to stay here until you tell me. Uncle Barry. My dad's brother. Smelt of... the pub and fish paste sandwiches. He said... He said if I ever told anyone, that my dad would die as well, so be good. It was cos I hadn't been good that my mum died. On my 12th birthday, my dad caught him. I've never seen him again and my dad won't have his name mentioned. I got pregnant. I didn't want it. You need to talk to someone. I am. CAR ON CATTLE GRID Sh*t. Your dad! I'll see you later.
>> A Boy Called Dad Movie Script