
n. 操作;手术;经营;运算


- [Narrator] But the custom-built ROV still isn't ready for operation.>>完整场景
EXT. SAN FRANCISCO AIR FIELD - DAY The crews climb from their planes, and almost before they're out, teams of men use straps and cranes to hoist the bombers onto flatbed trucks. Doolittle walks up to Rafe and Danny, watching the baffling operation.>>完整场景
I need somebody strong to protect my operation, physically. I've heard you're not happy with your family, you might make a switch.>>完整场景
Pretty much a mom-and-pop operation.>>完整场景
We hope to launch Operation Moshtarak tonight, and I need your official consent before doing so.>>完整场景
Now, we've been kind enough to plan this operation in such a way as to not make it look like the Americans are here to get done what you couldn't.>>完整场景
Moshtarak will be the largest operation yet to be conducted since this war began.>>完整场景
Welcome to Operation Moshtarak.>>完整场景
! Flag Cancel the operation, go back to quickly re-emerge Just go to the other side What do you do? - Report of the closure of the Internet - So, is this what seems to him?>>完整场景
That was a syndicate operation, Noodles.>>完整场景
- Ours was a peaceable operation.>>完整场景
Vizzini rips some tiny pieces of fabric from an army jacket and tucks them along the saddle of Buttercup's horse. There is about the entire operation a sense of tremendous skill and precision.>>完整场景
I could tell him to take off his helmet... but then he'd, you know, die, so... We'll release the photo when we detail the rescue operation.>>完整场景
“Well, it will about finish the Flores operation,” Augustus said. “He just had three boys, and we hung the only one of ’em with any get-up-and-go.” To Augustus’s surprise, Call sat down on the porch and took a big swallow from the jug. He felt curious—not sick but suddenly empty—it was the way a kick in the stomach could make you feel. It was an odd thing, but true, that the death of an enemy could affect you almost as much as the death of a friend. He had experienced it before, when news reached them that Kicking Wolf was dead. Some young soldier on his second patrol had made a lucky shot and killed him, on the Clear Fork of the Brazos—and Kicking Wolf had kept two companies of Rangers busy for twenty years. Killed by a private.Call had been shoeing a horse when Pea brought him that piece of news, and he felt so empty for a spell that he had to put off finishing the job.>>完整场景
“I never expected to hear talk like this,” he said. “I never heard of a livery stable closing in bright daylight.” “Oh, the stable don’t close,” Augustus said. “We can stable anything you want us to. It’s just the horse-trading part of the operation that’s closed.” Wilbarger walked up to the porch. “If that jug’s for rent I’ll rent a swig,” he said. “I guess that jug’s about the only thing that’s still open in this town.” “It’s open and it’s free,” Augustus said, handing it to him.>>完整场景
Call nodded. In the morning he had the advantage of Gus, since Gus had to cook. With Gus cooking, he got his choice ofthe eggs and bacon, and a little food always brought him to life and made him consider all the things that ought to be done during the day. The Hat Creek outfit was just a small operation, with just enough land under lease to graze small lots of cattle and horses until buyers could be found. It amazed Call that such a small operation could keep three grown men and a boy occupied from sunup until dark, day after day, but such was the case. The barn and corrals had been in such poor shape when he and Gus bought the place that it took constant work just to keep them from total collapse. There was nothing important to do in Lonesome Dove, but that didn’t mean there was enough time to keep up with the little things that needed doing. They had been six weeks sinking a new well and were still far from deep enough.>>完整场景
Well, we're making progress, good progress, but every second counts in this rescue operation, and I'm sure your radio audience will excuse me, as well as Mr Smollett here if he goes back to his post at the drill.>>完整场景
- Since the operation began 3 days ago, the drill has cut its way 57 feet closer to Leo.>>完整场景
Bob Bumpas speaking and bringing you another on-the-spot report of the Leo Minosa rescue operation.>>完整场景
"The man who rushed here at the first cry for help" "to direct the rescue operation." By Tuesday, everyone in the state will know you.>>完整场景
This operation has been many years in the planning.>>完整场景
What kind of operation you've got going on here?>>完整场景
This is a non-lethal operation. Understood?>>完整场景
The operation has suffered severe casualties.>>完整场景
It's a rescue operation and it's leaving now.>>完整场景