
n. 眼皮;眼睑


Hands grab Rafe and drag him onto the dinghy... In a QUICK CUT, Rafe's body is laid out on the deck of the trawler. The crewmen think he's dead. His body is stiff, his lips white; and they say so, in Norwegian... But one of the other crewmen notices a quiver in his eyelid, then quickly covers Rafe with his on wool peacoat and presses back an eyelid to see his pupils. Rafe's white lips move.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
(beat) From those eyelids grew the first tea bush. You see, even the leaves look like eyelids.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
SAN DE (CONT'D) When he awoke, he was so enraged at his eyelids for betraying him, he tore them off and threw them to the ground.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
As Vizzini screams we: DISSOLVE TO: THE SAILBOAT RACING ACROSS THE DARK WATERS Inigo is at the helm, FEZZIK stands near the body of the princess, whose eyelids flutter slightly -- or do they?
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
“Was that his name?” the shadow man said. Roscoe knew it must be a man, for he had a heavy voice. But he couldn’t see the man’s face. He just seemed to be a big shadow, and anyway Roscoe couldn’t get his mind fixed on it, or on where Joe was or when July would be back, or on anything much, he felt so warm and tired. The big shadow stood astraddle of him and reached down for his belt but Roscoe had let go all concern, he felt so tired. He felt everything would have to stop for a while; it was as if the darkness itself was pushing his eyelids down. Then the warm sleep took him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
At dawn he let her down again, by another creek, and this time she did as he did—peed and drank. They rode all day again through empty country, never seeing a horseman, a town, even an animal. The only thing she noticed was that there were fewer trees. She grew so tired of riding that she would have been glad to die, if only because it meant being stopped. She wanted sleep more than she had ever wanted anything. The sun blazed all day. When she dozed, sweat stood on her eyelids and wet her face when she awoke.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Looky there,” Pea said. “I reckon that’s the new cook.” Newt had let his eyelids fall. It was not easy to get them up again, even to see the new cook. He was so sleepy things looked blurred when he did open his eyes. Then he saw a donkey with a pack on its back, walking slowly along.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Hours passed and he still couldn’t get to sleep, though he was plenty tired. It was clear that if the sleeping didn’t improve he was going to be dead on his feet long before he got back to Fort Smith. His eyelids would fall, but then he’d hear something and jerk awake, a process that went on until he was too tired to care whether he died or not. He had been propped up against the wall of the cabin, but he slowly slid down and finally slept, flat on his back.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“’Bout you,” Fowler said, his eyelid drooping.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
As the boat inched its way up the Arkansas, the brown river gradually narrowed, and as it narrowed the boatmen and whiskey traders grew more restless. They drank so much whiskey themselves that Elmira felt they would be lucky to have any left to sell. Though she often felt them watching her as she sat at the end of the boat, they let her alone. Only Bowler, the chief trader, ever spoke more than a word or two to her. Fowler was a burly man with a dirty yellow beard and one eyelid that wouldn’t behave. It twitched and jerked up and down erratically, so that looking at him was disconcerting: one minute he would be looking at you out of both eyes, and then the eyelid would droop and he would only be looking with an eye and a half.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Dern it, come on!” Jake said. “This ain’t no place to sit out a lightning storm.” Every time he pulled, the tightness inside her broke out a little and she struck at him. The first blow hit him in the eye and he slipped and sat down in the mud. Then it was dark. When the lightning flashed again, she saw Jake trying to get up, a look of surprise on his face. But he grabbed her in the darkness and began to drag her away from the tree. She kicked at him and they both went down, but a bolt struck so loud and so near that she forgot to fight. She let him pull her toward the river, dragging the tarp. Another bolt hit so near it shook the ground, almost causing Jake to fall in the water. There was not much overhang to the bank, and the tarp was so muddy he could barely drag it, but he pulled it over them and sat close to her, shivering. In the flashes the light was so bright that she could see every wavelet on the river. She wondered where the turtle was, but before she could look it was pitch-dark again. In the next flash she saw the horses jumping and trying to shake off their hobbles. She shut her eyes but when the bolts hit she felt the light on her eyelids.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Jordan can’t respond. Phone still to his ear, his eyelids droop. Drool spills from his slackened jaw.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
“To read David Foster Wallace was to feel your eyelids pulled open.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
NARRATOR (O.S.) Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, for expanding women’s rights, for building ethnic amity and for increasing economic self- reliance... A puffy Johnny, with heavy eyelids, stares ahead as Gandhi helps the masses.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
His phone makes a beep and with heavy eyelids, he looks down at a text message on the screen: Why are you such an a**hole?
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
6 INT. JOHNNY’S ROOM - NIGHT 6 He watches the twins from bed...his eyelids are heavy, and he passes out.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
With a smooth motion the knife point enters the eyeball and cuts away the ruins sclera and cornea, as well as part of the damaged eyelids.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Do you think that ring in your eyelid makes you attractive?
>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script
A smile spreads across Elle's face. She rests her head back against the seat's headrest. Her eyelids close. She slightly parts her lips...and lets out a; "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" This is the face of satisfaction.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
A big leather cowboy belt is wrapped tight around her cherry brown cowboy boots. Her eyelids flutter open...and she sees stars. A giant, black Texas night sky full of them.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
She takes a black stocking cap, and slips it on top of her skull, tucking her blonde hair underneath... THEN Rubs black make-up under both eyes, on top of both eyelids, and down the bridge of her nose... THEN... Disconnects the cab lights above her, opens the truck door, and slips out unseen into the Austin Texas night air.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
(to Parrish) Never mind. Leave it to me. Parrish ignores her, his attention has been taken by the Voice. His eyelids flutter, nonplused, edgy and fearful.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script