
n. 头皮;战利品


Fabrizio, exhausted and near the limit, makes it almost to the boat. Cal CLUBS HIM with the oar, cutting open his scalp.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
They pass a line of steerage passengers in their coarse wool and tweeds, queued up inside movable barriers like cattle in a chute. A HEALTH OFFICER examines their heads one by one, checking scalp and eyelashes for lice.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
“You might as well leave your scalps, then,” the man said. “Have ’em sent by mail, once you get there.” “Why?” Zwey asked, puzzled. He had never heard of anyone sending a scalp in the mail.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He dipped them in molasses and gave each of the hands one to lick.“Well, señor,” he said to Augustus, “I see you made it back in time for dessert.” “I made it back in time to see a bunch of naked waddies cross a river,” Augustus said. “I thought you’d all turned Indian and was aiming to scalp Jasper. Where’s young Bill Spettle? Has he gone into hiding?” There was an awkward silence. Lippy, sitting on the wagon seat, stopped licking the hailstone he had been given.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Lorena saw that, and just as she saw it the two horses raced right over Monkey John without touching him and were into the Kiowas. One Kiowa screamed, a sound more hopeless and frightening even than the scream of Dog Face. Before she thought about it being Gus, she saw him yank his horse almost down right in the middle of the Kiowas. He shot the one that screamed and then the two that held the knives, shooting from his horse right into their chests. Another Kiowa grabbed the lance with Dog Face’s scalp on it, but Gus shot him before he could lift it. He shot another just as the man was picking up his rifle. The last Kiowa fled into the darkness, and Gus turned his horse after him. “Finish any that ain’t finished,” he said to the other man. But that man had barely dismounted before there was a shot in the darkness. He stood by his horse listening. There was another shot, and then the sound of a horse loping back. Lorena thought it was over but Monkey John shot with his pistol at the man standing by the fire. He missed completely and the man slowly raised his own pistol, but before he could fire Gus rode back into the firelight and shot with his rifle, knocking Monkey John back into the pack.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Hell, I can’t help her,” Monkey John said. “You heard him. He gave her to them.” One of the Kiowas understood the talk and was angered. He pulled his knife and stood over Dog Face threateningly. Dog Face continued to moan. Then the Kiowa sat on his chest and Dog Face screamed, a weak scream. The rest of the Indians jumped for him. He was too weak even to lift a hand. One Kiowa cut his belt and two more pulled his pants off. Before Lorena could even turn her head, they castrated him. Another slashed a knife across his forehead and began to rip off his hair. Dog Face screamed again, but it was soon muffled as the Kiowas held his head and stuffed his own bloody organsinto his mouth, shoving them down his throat with the handle of a knife. His hair was soon ripped off and the Kiowa took the scalp and tied it to his lance. Dog Face struggled for breath, a pool of blood beneath his legs. Yet he wasn’t dead.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
She heard the leader speak to Blue Duck and then felt their horses crowd around her. Several hands reached out to feel and pull her hair. She could smell the men and feel them, but she didn’t look up. She didn’t want to see them. Their rank, sweaty smell was almost enough to make her sick. One of them, amused by her hair, pulled it till her scalp stung, and he laughed a strange, jerky laugh. They crowded so close around her on their hot horses that for a moment she felt she might faint. She had never been in such a hard place, not even when Mosby’s sisters locked her in the basement.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
As they rode out of the river the four men waiting whipped up their mounts and raced down to meet them. One of them carried a lance strung with patches of hair. Lorena had never seen a scalp before, but she felt sure the patches were scalps. Most seemed old and dusty, but one, a patch of shiny black hair, was still crusted with blood. All of the men were Indians, heavily armed.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“It’s too bad the tribes played out,” he said. “A few years back all I would have had to do was scalp you. I could have got a bunch for a scalp like yours.” He reached up and idly fingered her hair. “I hope that goddamn old Ranger hurries along,” he said. “I owe him a few.” “Gus?” she said. “Gus won’t come. I ain’t his.” “He’s coming,” Blue Duck said. “I don’t know if it’s for you or for me, but he’s coming. I oughta just gut you and leave you here and let him bury whatever the buzzards and the varmints don’t eat.” Lorena didn’t look at him, for fear that if she looked he’d do it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Hoping to get you to talk a minute,” Augustus said, smiling. He had the most white hair she had ever seen on a man. He mentioned once that it had turned white when he was thirty, making his life more dangerous, since the Indians would have considered the white scalp a prize.“I was married twice, you remember,” he said. “Should have been married a third time but the woman made a mistake and didn’t marry me.” “What’s that got to do with this money?” Lorena asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
A patch of SCALP is blown away, revealing CHROME underneath.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
A motoring cap over the blistered scalp.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
With all the quickness and skill at their command, they clash in a superb display of Samurai Swordplay...TILL...They Find themselves on opposite sides of a garden wall The Bride and O-Ren both begin Running diagonally through the snow, Swords held up high, Facing each other, Continuing to run even after they passed the wall, Screaming their Samurai hearts out... UNTIL... They both SWING can't tell who got who... A SCALP OF LONG, BLACK HAIR FLIES THROUGH THE AIR, landing in the white snow.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
After a beat the door of Chigurh's truck is pushed open. He staggers out, heavily favoring one leg where the jeans are shredded and bloody at the thigh. One arm is also bloody and hangs limp. Blood runs down his face from a scalp wound.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script