
n. 舞台;戏剧;驿站;阶段


INT. THE MY-OH-MY-CLUB - NIGHT The Bride walks into the club just as the band on stage explodes into honky tonk guitar. She walks up to the bar and oders a;>>完整场景
Breathe in(Bride) - Breathe out(Lioness) - Breathe in (Bride) - Breathe out(Lioness) ..... The Bride rises to her feet... The Crazy 7 move in a circle around The Bride, she moves in a circle inside of their circle, all eight of them move in rhythm with the Metal... The Heavy Metal Music builds....to a big finish...THEN both Music and The Bride Explode! WIDE SHOT - FRAMED LIKE A KABUKI STAGE With the lights off, The White paper wall the eight killers fight in front of turns a Psychedelic Bright Blue. The snow falling outside is reflected against the paper wall like black snow falling on a blue shadow puppet stage.>>完整场景
What if we induced a general anesthetic, enough to suppress the seizure stage.>>完整场景
Michael Scofield is about to stage a prison break.>>完整场景
Well, it's the first stage. Bert.>>完整场景
Forrest makes his way onto the stage, shakes hands with Dick Cavett.>>完整场景
Jenny! Forrest rushes off the stage as Jenny makes her way out into the pool.>>完整场景
The other vets follow Forrest pushes onto the stage and push him toward the microphones.>>完整场景
Come on. Come on. Yeah, you! Hilary pulls Forrest up onto the stage.>>完整场景
...these guys just told Lyndon Johnson where to stick this f***ing war! Yeah! Forrest looks up at the cheering crowd. Abbie turns and motions for Forrest to come up on the stage.>>完整场景
A man, wearing an American flag shirt, stands on the stage.>>完整场景
Follow me, let's go! Hilary leads the vets through a crowd of people outside the rally. Another woman, named Isabel, leads the vets toward the back of a stage.>>完整场景
Forrest climbs up onto the stage and picks Jenny up, guitar and all, and carries her.>>完整场景
Bobbie... Bobbie... The emcee walks back off the stage and the curtain opens, revealing Jenny as she sits on a stool on the stage. She holds a guitar up and begins to play. She is topless.>>完整场景
EMCEE steps out onto the stage.>>完整场景
I just want to be an empty stage with my guitar, my voice... just me.>>完整场景
(sings) "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog..." FORREST (V.O.) I started moving around to the music, swinging my hips. This one night me and Momma... EXT. GREENBOW - NIGHT Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a sidewalk. A television inside a store window reveals Elvis Presley as he performs "Houng Dog" on a stage.>>完整场景

Here we see the California casual. Delightful and comfortable. -With this, you can run your errands... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...and still look like a lady on the go. Here we see the elegant gray, which is not just for winter anymore. -Beautifully cut... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...totally comfortable, she looks so lovely. Our next model comes to the stage bringing a little flash and glitter. And here we see midnight blue, -suitable for any formal occasion... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...while allowing for comfort at the same time. A beautiful two-piece ensemble, in beautiful midnight blue, -with sparkle and bling to match her beauty. -(CAMERAS CLICKING) (ALL GASP) (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) She's gonna be okay. Boy, I wish I knew a prayer right about now. Do you know any? No, I'm afraid I don't. But don't Judy and you go to church? I just go for the singing and she goes to see all of her friends. I sleep through a lot of the praying part. -You can go in now. -Oh, thank you. You go ahead.
Arthur... Cole hesitates. Not because he's acting. He really hesitates. It takes him a moment before he steps forward. Cole steps up to the stone. He places his hand around the handle. Begins to pull. The sword starts to come out. The villagers GASP. Cole raises the shiny sword out of the stone and high above his head. Merlin and everyone on stage bows. A SILENCE FILLS THE AUDITORIUM. Malcolm watches his client, standing unafraid in the spot light for the first time. The villagers rise and rush to Cole. They scoop him up and carry him around the stage in celebration. Cole chuckles and then starts laughing as the group of eight-year-olds try unsuccessfully to keep him up. They slowly sag and then collapse. All the students are laughing as they try to untangle themselves.Malcolm watches with utter joy as Cole becomes indistinguishable among of a group of twenty children giggling and enjoying themselves on stage.>>完整场景
Silence village idiot! Let the boy step forward. Tommy turns a deep shade of red and hobbles off the stage. Merlin looks to Cole. He smiles a true friend's smile.>>完整场景
Let the boy try. The group of villagers on the stage LAUGH AND MOCK THE SUGGESTION. Tommy Tammisimo is dressed in a mismatched costume -- he hops around, clearly embarrassed.>>完整场景
Only he who is pure of heart can take the sword from the stone. Merlin looks to the group on stage. Looks right at Cole.>>完整场景

INT. AUDITORIUM - AFTERNOON Malcolm moves quickly to a set of double doors and opens them. He steps into the DARKNESS OF THE AUDITORIUM. The play is in full swing... Cole and a large group of costumed children are on stage. Cole holds a broom and wears a worn-down costume. He stands to the side -- hidden by others.A boy in a shiny-armored costume walks to the center of the stage where a large cardboard stone is seated. A sparkling HANDLE sticks out of the top. The armored boy tries to lift it. It won't budge. Bobby, the chubby boy from the party, is dressed in a magician's costume. He is Merlin. He steps forward.

INT. LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON People in the room start to turn as the T.V. comes on. Mr. Collins is seated now. THE STATIC SNOW ON THE SCREEN IS QUICKLY REPLACED BY AN IMAGE. TWO PUPPETS DANCE ON STAGE. WE HEAR KYRA'S VOICE SING FOR THE PUPPETS AS THEY DANCE AROUND. Her father's face forms the most heartbreaking of smiles as he watches the performance. The entire room has stopped what they were doing. T.V. SCREEN WE HEAR FOOTSTEPS COMING UP THE STAIRS. The puppets go limp. The entire stage gets lifted up. We see it carried away by Kyra. We can view the whole bedroom now. The camera is seated on her desk in the corner. Kyra climbs in bed and pretends to be sleeping when the door opens. It's Mrs. Collins. She carries in a tray of soup and a sandwich.

INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Cole closes the door behind him. He turns and gazes at the girl's bedroom. There's a hospital bed near the window. The walls are covered with get-well cards and drawings from family, friends, and school children. Her shelves are filled with puppets. All shapes and sizes of puppets. Next to the shelf is a puppet stage and a camcorder on a mini tripod sitting next to it. Cole walks to the shelf and picks up a FINGER PUPPET DANCER. He places it in his pocket. On the girl's desk, is a large collection of video cassettes. The labels read, "Puppet Show Christmas 96," "Puppet Show Birthday party," "Puppet Show class trip"... Cole reads the labels carefully before moving towards the closets. He passes the bed. AN EMACIATED HAND REACHES OUT FROM BENEATH THE BED AND GRABS COLE'S ANKLE. Cole jerks back startled. He watches as the girl's hand slips back under the bed. Cole stays very still. Waits. Nothing happens.He slowly bends down. His hands touch the floor. He tilts his head and looks under the bed. The emaciated little girl who came to his tent lays curled on the floor. Her bulging eyes glare at Cole. She moves suddenly. Thrusts a jewelry box forward. It slides across the wooden floor and stops just before Cole. Cole and the sickly girl stare at each other. Neither of them say a word.