
adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的


Inside Jenny looks out, surprised and annoyed.>>完整场景
She’s more amused than annoyed, but Will is enteringdangerous territory.>>完整场景
MATCH CUT TO: INT./EXT. BLOOM HOUSE - (PRESENT) DAY The front door opens to reveal Will and Josephine on theporch with their bags. REVERSE to Will’s mother Sandra (53), surprised and a little annoyed.>>完整场景
He was constantly focused, annoyed, saddened really.>>完整场景
Lt. Dan, annoyed, takes the ice cream cone and drops it into his bed pan. Forrest slides himself onto his bed. A NURSE reaches toward Lt. Dan.>>完整场景
INT. SUTTON PLACE -- ENTRY HALL -- DAY Gail walks back into the entry hall, annoyed. Chace follows.>>完整场景