
n. 权威;权力;当局


Lt. Kendrick, at your request, I can have the record reflect your lack of acknowledgment of this court as a proper authority.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
As commander in the field I'm exercising attack abort authority.
>> 绝密飞行 Stealth Movie Script
Request to acknowledge Dirty Mission status and exercise attack abort authority.
>> 绝密飞行 Stealth Movie Script
Tackled by four Hornets with authority.
>> 异种教师 The Faculty Movie Script
You know, Zeke, I'm the authority figure here. It's time you realized that.
>> 异种教师 The Faculty Movie Script
I had to wear this polyester uniform, and walk under these fluorescent lights, twirlin’ my baton, checking in every ten minutes: [mimes a walkietalkie] “All clear at this cubicle!” Like, every bad '60s novel about meaningless authority.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
I'm not any sort of authority on any sort of “program.” But from my very limited outside understanding, people who have been in it for a while: you could snort cocaine off the back of your hand and they’re okay.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
(to Woodale) Minister, do we have authority to prosecute the target?
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Foreign Secretary, you have the authority to make a decision without returning to the PM.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
No! Such a “plan” should not have been signed off by the PM without the authority of Parliament.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
COLONEL POWELL (CONT’D) This is a time sensitive target. Do I have authority to strike?
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
WOODALE feels the tension. As the senior politician in the room responsible for Africa, he will now be on the spot to approve a new course of action - or to refer a decision to a higher authority.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Who is in authority here?
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
-I have it on the best authority.
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
A good executive knows how to delegate authority.
>> 大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script
Wow, that much! Don't joke around! Monetary Authority hears you, you'll be put away.
>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
The courts basically said the USDA didn't have the authority to shut down the plants.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
If you don’t have the authority, talk to whoever’s in charge of loose ends. I need your word that she and her son will be safe.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
On his authority.
>> Son of God Movie Script
On what authority does he think he can do this?
>> Son of God Movie Script
The Son of man has authority to forgive sin.
>> Son of God Movie Script
One is stout, bearded, chubby-cheeked. He smokes a cigarwith an air of authority. This is CHIPMUNK.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
Fireworks. Update -- we're con- structing the number '65' on the barge, archers from the State College at New Paltz will shoot flaming arrows at it, when it catches fire it will give us the effect of a Viking funeral with none of the morbidity... The Hudson River Authority says, for you, they'll make a special dispensation - of course there'll be an overtime bill for the Poughkeepsie Fire Dept...
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script