
vt. 扮演;装作,举动像


Even though he still came to the river every night, it was obvious to Call that Lonesome Dove had long since ceased to need guarding. The talk about Bolivar calling up bandits was just another of Augustus’s overworked jokes. He came to the river because he liked to be alone for an hour, and not always be crowded. It seemed to him he was pressed from dawn till dark, but for no good reason. As a Ranger captain he was naturally pressed to make decisions—and decisions that might mean life or death to the men under him. That had been a natural pressure—one that went with the job. Men looked to him, and kept looking, wanting to know he was still there, able to bring them through whatever scrape they might be in. Augustus was just as capable, beneath all his rant, and would have got them through the same scrapes if it had been necessary, but Augustus wouldn’t bother rising to an occasion until it became absolutely necessary. He left the worrying to Call—so the men looked to Call for orders, and got drunk with Augustus. It never ceased to gripe him that Augustus could not be made to act like a Ranger except in emergencies. His refusal was so consistent that at times both Call and the men would almost hope for an emergency so that Gus would let up talking and arguing and treat the situation with a little respect.>>完整场景
And he was-- where the famous can-can dancers perform, and he was the highest paid act.>>完整场景
( record player needle scratches ) ( man speaking French ) Jim Dawson: Because, you know in France for example, in the late 19th century one of the top, uh... one of the top stars in Paris was a guy named Le Ptomane whose act at the Moulin Rouge was farting.>>完整场景
This is an act of God, and while of course, we feel great sympathy for these animals, we cannot condone government involvement, on what amounts to a privately-owned venture.>>完整场景
So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and act as a natural preservative.>>完整场景
Call it an act of God.>>完整场景
(or) What's so great about discovery? It's a violent, penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call discovery I call the rape of the natural world!>>完整场景
I don't understand this Luddite attitude, especially from a scientist. How could we stand in the light of discovery and not act?>>完整场景
When the fire hits 'em, they act like little combustion chambers.>>完整场景
Figured you were looking into me, was only fair. Plus you sail on ayacht fit for a Bond villain, sometimes you gotta act the part.>>完整场景
You think I don’t know what you’reup to? You’re a father now and you act like an infant!>>完整场景
If what he said is true, we need to act now.>>完整场景
Try not to act the toff. Teach perhaps.>>完整场景
Some sod tipped him off Wallis is getting a quickie divorce and we're going to make our marriage a fait accompli. As an act of pure spite, Father's trying to depart prematurely in order to complicate matters.>>完整场景
148 EXT. STATE CAPITOL - TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - DAY 148 Carmine shakes hands with REP. JOHN O’CONNELL -- CARMINE POLITO: Congressman, thank you for coming by, John -- RICHIE DIMASO (V.O.) Representative O'Connell was contacted by Carmine Polito to ask if he could obtain rapid citizenship through an act of Congress for one Sheik Abdullah, investor.>>完整场景
(to Paco) Act normal. That's it.>>完整场景
A CHINESE VENTRILOQUIST is on stage with his Communistpuppet. We have no idea what they’re saying to each other, but every act is fundamentally the same.>>完整场景
INT. BIG TOP - NIGHT A troupe of STILT-WALKING FIREBREATHERS finishes their act totremendous APPLAUSE.>>完整场景
It’s not clear whether any of this was an act to keep fromtalking.>>完整场景
You act like you're above the system when you're really just a nonconformist.>>完整场景
That was the act'of a child, not a businessman. And it certainly wasn't the act of a friend, You know how embarrassed I was when I tried to cash a check? And I was with a girl, Wardo. It happened in front of a girl. I'm not going back to that life,>>完整场景
(beat) Now, Lt. Kaffee, is gonna try to pull off a little magic act, he's gonna try a little misdirection.>>完整场景
- Could be an act.>>完整场景
- It's a generous act, isn't it ?>>完整场景
Ray, we're in this together, so we have to act fast.>>完整场景