

These are rare wines! Not even Gundel can boast this assortment!
>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
BERTIE'S POV - Speaker's Corner with its assortment of orators, prophets, protestors, and onlookers gathered around soapboxs, agreeing, disagreeing, shouting comments. Others carry placards, sing protest songs. A miners' strike is the focus of the day.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
DISSOLVE TO: INT. MAGUMBA BAR - NIGHT Striker is seated at bar in a smoke-filled room. An assortment of unsavory characters are hanging around the bar.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
An instant later they are surrounded by an assortment of LAPD, SHERIFF'S DEPT., and CHP CARS.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Tonight! Right now! We steal a man from a royal prison, we hide in a country chateau among an assortment of saints and sluts such as only you could provide, and still you wish to tell me nothing?!
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
Inside the old suitcase are an assortment of clothes, a pingpong paddle, toothpaste and other personal items.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
The crowd watches in riveted silence. The father never takes his eyes off of the screen. The image of the mother prepares the meal. She uncovers the fruit and the soup. Places a straw into the drink. And then it happens. The image of the mother walks to a closet. Opens it. An assortment of household cleaners and sponges are kept inside. She pulls out a bottle of floor cleaner. Reads the label for the ingredients. Walks back to the food tray, where she unscrews the cap on the floor cleaner. The mother pours some into the cap. Checks it.MRS. COLLINS (video tape) That's too much. The mother pours some into the bottle. The remainder goes into the child's soup. She replaces the cap and puts the bottle back in the closet. The image of the mother turns to the bed carrying the tray. She places the food on a metallic rolling table and swings it over the bed. MRS. COLLINS (video tape) Kyra, time for lunch. Kyra pretends to wake from a deep sleep.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script