
conj. 因为;依照;当…时;随着;虽然


ROOSEVELT'S VOICE I'm told that 80% of American families are listening to these fireside chats of ours, and I'm happy we can come together, as one great American family. I'd like each of you within the sound of my voice to find a map... The FAMILIES do, gathering around encyclopedias, school books, any reference they have, spread on kitchen tables, suburban living room rugs, or farmhouse hearths... And the B-25's, all sixteen of them, begin a journey in formation, flying at treetop level across America: Mississippi delta land, Texas plains, Arizona mesas... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Look at the Pacific Ocean. It covers half the surface of the earth. And look at the great Atlantic. The oceans both divide and connect us to our enemies, and either they will come to us, or we will go to them... The formation of B-25's reaches San Francisco.>>完整场景
Right down to the treetops. Low as you can.>>完整场景
Colonel Doolittle strides into the room as all the men snap to attention.>>完整场景
Evelyn's still standing there as the plane lifts away.>>完整场景
Rafe sees her first, but stops and looks away as Danny moves to her. For a moment he studies her eyes, and she does not look away.>>完整场景
GENERAL MARSHALL We've done studies. We're confident we would turn them back eventually...after they'd gotten as far as Chicago.>>完整场景
EXT. WHITE HOUSE - DAY The entire Washington press corps is waiting, with fresh bulbs in the flash attachments of cameras that are already as big as a shoe box. The President is wheeled out of the White House, and not a single photographer takes a picture...not yet.>>完整场景
But as the cut enlarges, the trapped air, compressed by the water, starts rushing out -- and the water starts rising again. The trapped sailors hope turns to terror.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny brace the dinghy so it doesn't move; but they still don't see what Dorie is after as he fishes down in the water, for something barely at the surface; he works for a moment, then pulls it up.>>完整场景
INT. HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT Rafe and Danny sit quietly as Evelyn adjusts the tubes conducting blood from their arms into sterilized Coke bottles for transfusion.>>完整场景
(beat) As soon as the second wave returns, we will withdraw.>>完整场景
His officers relay the order to the helm, and the ship's rudder turns as more blasts rip her hull.>>完整场景
INT. THE NEVADA'S BRIDGE - DAY The Nevada's Captain feels the ship shudder as it takes hits amidships.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY The battleship NEVADA is underway, plowing through the harbor, as the water erupts with bombs.>>完整场景
She steadies herself as the next body comes through, a woman on a stretcher, her stomach shot open, pale hands clutching at the open wound. Evelyn feels for a pulse.>>完整场景
Evelyn moves to the door. Trucks are pulling up, loaded with the wounded, young terrified soldiers bringing them inside; Evelyn does quick triage as they pass.>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The once-pristine hospital with its glowing white beds is now a bloody chaos. Every bed is already full; there are burned and broken people on the floor -- soldiers, sailors, civilians, firemen, all mixed in together. People are dying everywhere, and screaming in pain, or moaning and begging for help. At first we don't see Evelyn, and wonder if she survived the glass; then we see her, flecks of her own blood dotting her face and arms. The blood of soldiers on her surgical apron. A steel calm has replaced her earlier frenzy, even as the other nurses are breaking down.>>完整场景
The Marines set up in the windows of their already-strafed barracks, and start firing there, as the Zeros scream past.>>完整场景
Other sailors are in the water with them, struggling, swallowing the vile black liquid as they battle to swim.>>完整场景
Still, even IN THE CHAOS ON THE SHIPS, the sailors struggle to survive, inventively. Men trapped on one burning ship use the severed barrel of a five-inch naval gun as a bridge to cross to the less damaged ship anchored beside them.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny gun their engines and head back into the air, the grounded pilots firing a covering barrage and Earl even coming up with a 12-gauge shotgun to fire at the Zeros as they rush past.>>完整场景
A Zero comes up behind him, firing. Danny jerks his stick to maneuver but he's caught... Rafe comes in behind the Zero, chopping it up, even as he yells at Danny over the radio -->>完整场景
For a moment she's frozen, then she actually sees the shock wave traveling across the bay and through the trees like an invisible wall. She's trying to cross her arms over her face, and dive to the floor, just as the windows blow out from the concussion, and glass flies over everything.>>完整场景
The concussion of the explosion blows men off the repair ship Vestal, next to the Arizona, saving Vestal, as the explosion snuffs out the fires on Vestal; it also sends tons of debris down on her decks -- parts of the ship, legs, arms and heads of men, all sorts of bodies.>>完整场景
EXT. THE FLIGHT OF THE BOMB - DAY We stay with the bomb as it falls through the sky. The small propeller on the bomb's nose spins in the air, running the arming mechanism into the bomb's explosive core. The bomb wobbles a bit at first, but then as it gathers speed its fins stabilize it, and it falls faster and faster, at a dizzying rate, toward the Arizona.>>完整场景