
conj. 因为;依照;当…时;随着;虽然


EXT. THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR - DAY -- The first wave of planes drop more torpedoes; they plunge BENEATH THE SURFACE, their wooden fins working perfectly, the torpedoes speeding to their targets... We see their AWESOME BLASTS against the anchored ships as the torpedoes hit home.>>完整场景
-- Children playing in the early morning sun, looking up as they see the planes flash by. The children look -- they've never seen this many, flying this low...but they are not alarmed, only curious.>>完整场景
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NIGHT The Japanese carriers turn into the wind and raise combat pennants. A color guard raises the Japanese flag as the deck crew stand at attention, seeing the rising-sun flag snap potently in the wind.>>完整场景
Rafe stand slowly, nodding as if he knows the punch was what he deserved. Danny's about to apologize when once more Rafe knees him in the balls.>>完整场景
Everybody else saw me as a loser with a big chip on his shoulder. But you saw the better part of me, the part of me that could be like you, and changed me.>>完整场景
She said I was so much like you. I said, No, I'm not. I'm like I am because of you, but I'm not you, not as good as you.>>完整场景
The Captain chokes back his frustration and shuts down the intercom -- but then he says to the Duty Officer, as they watch the shape disappear toward Pearl Harbor... CAPTAIN OF THE RALPH TALBOT If it's a blackfish, it has a motorboat up it's ass!>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny are exchanging punches in the middle of the room. Sailors sitting at the bar have swung around on their stools to watch the action. The other pilots are wincing with the punches their friends exchange, and bobbing and weaving as if in the fight themselves. A SAILOR tapes Billy.>>完整场景
He kicks Rafe in the back of the knee, then mule kicks him in the chest as he goes down, and the fight is on.>>完整场景
IN THE PRESENT...Rafe's face winces with the memory, and he rivets his eyes on Evelyn, as if to force himself to know that this moment is real.>>完整场景
EVELYN'S VOICE Dearest Rafe -- IN SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACK, RAFE'S SPITFIRE, crippled and trailing smoke, passing through a patch of cloud as Rafe hurls himself from the cockpit and jerks the ripcord of his chute.>>完整场景
And as Rafe watches Evelyn, he has the SUDDEN JOLTS OF SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACKS...punctuated by fragments of the letter she wrote to him, and INTERCUT with Rafe in the present, watching Evelyn.>>完整场景
She takes the lei from her neck, plucks a single flower, and holds it like the rose Rafe once gave her. Then she tosses the rest of the lei into the ocean and watches it float away, as the sun sinks behind the horizon.>>完整场景
INT. COCKPIT'S OF THE P-40'S - DAY Danny and Anthony are the pilots; as they pull up and away, they pass over some officers on the golf course, scaring the sh*t out of them as they putt.>>完整场景
Evelyn's touched -- but before she can react two P-40's zoom out of the skies, wings clipping the tops of the palm trees as they blast over head.>>完整场景
When he reaches the turn in the path, he looks back, and sees her figure in the gathering darkness. She's begun to break down; and as he watches, her whole body starts convulsing, and she doubles up in shattering grief.>>完整场景
I understand why Rafe loved you. You're as strong as he was.>>完整场景
She stares into the distance. He stands and puts his hand on top of hers, as much for his comfort as for hers.>>完整场景
Look, uh...Rafe's dad...he wrote me with the news, and it took me a couple of days to work up the guts to come here and tell you. I'm not as brave as Rafe, or as noble. But if there's anything I can ever do to help -- you let me know, okay?>>完整场景
EXT. A BENCH - OVERLOOKING PEARL HARBOR - SUNSET Evelyn and Danny sit on the bench, with a sweeping view of the harbor and the lights winking on all around it as the sun settles beyond the horizon. Evelyn is stoic, numb; Danny is the one who is struggling.>>完整场景
And then she sees his face... It's Danny. His face as sad as death itself.>>完整场景
Tell me something, Dorie. A man as big as you -- and smart too, you knew where to come when your ship couldn't help -- do you still have to fight with your fists to get respect?>>完整场景
INT. HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - LATER Evelyn clips the ends of her carefully applied stitches; Dorie's eyes are rolled up as if he could watch from inside his skull.>>完整场景
The battle is more toughness than technique. The guys throwing haymakers and shoving each other around the roped area, as their shipmates cheer and make wild bets. The white guy digs a punch deep into the black guy's ribs, and the black guy slams a double left hook into the white guy's belly, making him back up and say -->>完整场景
The Squad Leader winces, and ducks into the clouds as he reports on his radio...>>完整场景