adj. 各种各样的;多方面的
- “I suspect that girl has Indian blood,” Hutto said. “She had us ambushed, fair and square, and if she was as good with a pistol as she is with a rock we’d be dead.” “What’s the matter with her?” July asked. “Why won’t she come?” “I don’t know,” Roscoe said. “She don’t take to company, I guess.” July thought it a very odd business. Roscoe had never been one to womanize. In fact, around Fort Smith his skill in avoiding various widow women had often been commented on. And yet he had somehow taken up with a girl who could throw rocks more accurately than most men could shoot.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “They wouldn’t want you,” Augustus said. “They don’t bother with crazies.” “I wisht we’d get a cook,” Jasper said. “I’m dern tired of eating slop.” It was a common complaint. Since Bolivar’s departure the food had been uneven, various men trying their hand at cooking. Call had ridden into several settlements, hoping to find someone they could hire as cook, but he had had no luck.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Dern you, why can’t you talk?” he said one night as she was making the campfire. Deets, who stopped by their camp almost every day to see that they were all right, had shown her how to make a fire. He had also taught her how to pack the mule and do various other chores that Jake mostly neglected.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Well, he went to Texas,” he said. “Maybe I’ll strike someone that’s seen him.” “Yes, and maybe you’ll ride right into a big mess of Comanche Indians,” Louisa said. “You do that and you’ll never enjoy another good plate of corn bread.” Roscoe let the remark pass. The less said about Indians the better, in his view. He munched corn bread for a while, preferring not to think about any of the various things that might happen to him in Texas.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It was just the worst luck. He had worried considerably about the various bad things that might happen while July was gone, but the loss of Elmira had not been among his worries. Men’s wives didn’t usually leave on a whiskey barge. He had heard of cases in which they didn’t like wedded life and went back to their families, but Elmira hadn’t even had a family, and there was no reason for her not to like wedded life, since July had not worked her hard at all.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Call was faced with more meats than he had seen on one table since he could remember: beefsteak and pork chops, chicken and venison, and a stew that appeared to contain squirrel and various less familiar meats. Maude got red in the face when she ate, as did everyone else at her table, from the steam rising off the platters.“This is my varmint stew, Captain,” Maude said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Gus was an exception, of course. He liked her naked and he liked her clothed. Seeing one body would remind him of other bodies, and he would sit on the bed and scratch himself and talk about various aspects of women that only he would have had anything to say about: the varieties of bosoms, for example.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Well, Deets, you just got one name,” Augustus said. “Most people got two. Maybe you’ve got two and just forgot one of them.” Deets sat around thinking for a day or two, but he could not remember ever having another name, and Call’s recollection bore him out. At that point even Augustus began to think the sign was more trouble than it was worth, since it was turning out to be so hard to please everyone. The only solution was to think up another name to go with Deets, but while they were debating various possibilities, Deets’s memory suddenly cleared.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- After Dish had caught his breath he pulled his case knife out of his pocket and asked if anyone wanted a game of root-the- peg. Newt had a pocketknife too and was quick to take him up. The game involved flipping the knives in various ways and making them stick in the dirt. Dish won and Newt had to dig a peg out of the ground with his teeth. Dish drove the peg in so far that Newt had dirt up his nose before he finally got it out.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- She had been abandoned in Lonesome Dove by a gambler who decided she was bad for his luck; she lived over the Dry Bean and was known to receive visitors of various descriptions, but Newt was not a young man to choke on such details.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- There are various animals and plants on the earth.>> 2024-01-the grilled cheese sandwich
- Select any of the sounds, but with new features like sound recorder, "Fart a Friend" and many more... ( various fart noises playing ) iFart charges everything.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- Flatulence in the purest sense is gas that's made in the intestines, usually from the digestion of food by various bacteria and organisms.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- He leaves. As he goes across the lobby of the visitor's center and outside, they can see his silhouette, moving through a translucent mural that depicts dinosaurs in various natural settings. It's quiet for a second as Lex and Tim just look at each other.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- There's a large glass map of the island at the front of the room that is lit up like a Christmas tree with various colored lights, each one with a number and identification code next to it.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- 32INTCONTROL ROOMDAY The Jurassic Park control room looks like a mission control for a space launch, with several computer terminals and dozens of video screens that display images of various dinosaurs, taken from all over the park.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- The room is darkened and Hammond is showing slides of various scenes all around them. Hammond's own recorded voice describes current and future features of the park while the slides flash artists' renderings of all them.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- GRANT goes to a round, open with various eggs under a strong light.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- He pushes various code numbers. The door opens. He steps aside, and the group eagerly goes up the stairs.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- In the dig itself, the ground is checkered with excavations everywhere. There's a base camp with five or six teepees, a flapping mess tent, a few cards, a flatbed truck with wrapped fossils loaded on it, and a mobile home. There are a dozen VOLUNTEERS of all ages at work in various places around the dig. The Volunteers are from all walks of life, dinosaur buffs. Three or four of them have CHILDREN with them, and the kids run around, like in a giant sandbox.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- 69GEXT. DEEP IN THE FOREST - NIGHT69G VARIOUS SHOTS; The creatures of Isla Sorna walk past in the shadows, some looking up at the light in the trees.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- 20 INT. PLANE - COUNTINUOUS DAY 20 In various combinations, Grant and Billy, Paul and Amanda look out the windows at the amazingly green island.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- WE SEE Jordan’s various cars -- Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari, BMW -- loaded onto a large transport vehicle.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- JORDAN (V.O.) They interrogated everybody, itwent on for months. It was total f***ing harassment... 202J* 202K-Q 202R A SERIES OF CUTS -- (SPRING ‘96) Various Stratton Brokers are deposed: Robbie; Rugrat, Peter DeBlasio, Sea Otter; Chester Ming.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- WE SEE various stores, all packed with teenage GIRLSbuying shoes and boots.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script