
pron. 什么;多么;多少


He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.
He was astonished at what he found.
>> 46-Expensive and Uncomfortable
I will pay you back for what you did to me. I'll get my revenge on you for what you did to me.
>> 45-A Clear Conscience
everyone does what they hate for money, and use the money to do what they love.
>> 43-Over the South Pole
reap what you sow.
>> 37-The Olympic Games
And what a time now for us to take this dream and not let it die.Take this dream and give it life.Take this dream and breathe into it your own personal spirit. Until finally it becomes a flame that burns around the whole world. Let's go, do it now.
>> Why not you? why not now?
You have to prioritize what's important.
>> Social Language
You should know what your customer wants.
>> Social Language
You can't be successful without passion. If you don't love what you're doing, If you don't have passion for it, forget it.
>> Social Language
Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
>> 32-Shopping Made Easy
The amount of drive or anxiety necessary to accomplish a task depends on the task. Sometimes what we call facilitative anxiety is okay.I don't believe in torture,but sometimes a little anxiety is okay.Language acquisition though, is different.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
But what counts in speaking is not what you say, but what the other person says to you.In other words when you get involved in conversation, what counts is the input that you can stimulate from other people.So I'm in favor of students speaking but we have to understand it makes an indirect: a helpful, but indirect contribution to language acquisition.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
The question is this: what was going on during those five months? She was listening. She was picking out comprehensible input. When she started to speak. It was not the beginning of her language acquisition.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
Let's work on initial consonants. 'Say bah.look at my lips!'Again, no response.There was a theory going around then, that a a lot of people still believe that children don't really want to acquire language , you have to kind of force it out of them.So I tried that: I won't give you the ball until you say ball.That didn't work either. No matter what i said , Itomi wouldn't speak.She didn't say anything the first week, she didn't say anything the second week, the first month, the second month, five months until she started to speak.Actually, that's not entirely true.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
And I've decided, I've discovered. It's just about a universal experience. What has happened to me has certainly happened to you.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
If comprehensible input is true, what we call the input Hypothesis is true, other things follow from it."Talking is not practicing."
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
We acquire language when we understand what people tell us. Not how they say it, but what they say. Or when we understand what we read.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
What time do you get off work?
>> Social Language
What time are you leaving tomorrow?
>> Social Language
What was that call about?
>> Telephone Language
Let's see what happens.
>> Some business dialogue sentences
That's what I'm talking about.
>> Some business dialogue sentences
What are you afraid of?
>> Some business dialogue sentences
What was that all about?
>> Some business dialogue sentences
I don't know what the angle is.
>> Some business dialogue sentences
I have no clue what it is.
>> Some business dialogue sentences