
adj. 浪费的;丰富的;大方的


FLAMINGO SUITE (1955) They are seated around the lavish table in Michael's suite.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO SUITE (1955) A magnificent, circular table has been set up in his suite; a lavish table setting for eight. Standing by the table are HAGEN, JOHNNY FONTANE, looking wonderful, a little heavier, beautifully dressed; FREDO, a dandy, and TWO LAS VEGAS GIRLS.>>完整场景
“Three this afternoon and a hundred tomorrow,” Wilbarger said. “You must know a man with lots of horses to sell. I wish I knew him.” “He mostly sells to us,” Augustus said. “We’re lavish with money.” Wilbarger handed back the jug. “You’re lavish with time, too,” he said. “My time. We couldn’t go visit this man right now, could we?” Call shook his head. “Sunup,” he said.>>完整场景
He believes the company's chairman, is misallocating shareholder money to lavish on pet projects.>>完整场景
Michelle... But just as he starts to speak, trumpets blast and the King steps through the doors and out into the lavish gardens; the party goers give him a rousing ovation. Raoul returns the ring to his jacket, to wait for another moment.>>完整场景
ESTABLISHING - THE ROYAL PALACE - DAY The Palace glows golden in the Parisian sunshine. Carriages deposit guests for the lavish party in the royal gardens.>>完整场景