
n. 岩石;暗礁;摇滚乐


“This is a worrisome situation,” Augustus said. “I probably ought to track that man or send Deets to do it. Deets is a better tracker than me. Jake ain’t back and I ain’t got your faith in him. I best send one of the hands to guard you until we know where that bandit’s headed.” “Don’t send Dish,” Lorena said. “I don’t want Dish coming around.” Augustus chuckled. “You gals are sure hard on the boys that love you,” he said. “Dish Boggett’s got a truer heart than Jake Spoon, although neither one of them has much sense.” “Send me the black man,” she said. “I don’t want none of them others.” “I might,” Augustus said. “Or I might come back myself. How would that suit you?” Lorena didn’t answer. She felt the anger coming back. Because of some woman named Clara she wasn’t getting to San Francisco, when otherwise Gus would have taken her. She sat silently on the rock.>>完整场景
It made her a little sad for Jake that all his friends doubted his abilities. He was not respected. Probably Gus was right: she should quit Jake. Gus himself was a more able man, she had no doubt. He might take her to California. He had made it clear he had no great interest in the cattle drive. He talked a lot of foolishness, but he had never been mean. He was still sitting on the big rock, idly scratching himself through a hole in the wet underwear.>>完整场景
“Dern, that water was so cold it shriveled my pod,” he said. He sat down on a big rock to let the heat dry him. Then, looking beyond her, he apparently saw something she couldn’t see.>>完整场景
“I’ve left about a thousand bugs in Little Rock,” the man said. “That’s why I threw away my equipment. I’m out of the mood to study bugs and am thinking of going to Texas to preach the Gospel. I’ve heard that Texans can use some good straight Gospel.” “Why study a bug?” Joe asked again, his curiosity getting the better of him.>>完整场景
“I ain’t much of a traveler,” Roscoe said, for actually his one trip, to Little Rock, had been one of the nightmares of his life, since he had ridden the whole way in a cold rain and had run a fever for a month as a result.>>完整场景
“Of course she’s still gone,” Peach said. “And you’re drunk on the job. Get up from there and go get July.” “But July went to Texas,” Roscoe said. “The only place I’ve ever been to is Little Rock, and it’s in the other direction.” “Roscoe, if you can’t find Texas you’re a disgrace to your profession,” Peach said.>>完整场景
“Well, July, I guess you’re between a rock and a hard place,” Roscoe said. “You either got to go off and fight them Texas Rangers or else stay here and fight Peach.” “I could send you after him,” July said. “You’re the one that let him get away.”Of course he was only teasing. Roscoe could hardly handle old man Darton, who was nearly eighty. He wouldn’t stand much of a chance against Jake Spoon and his friends.>>完整场景
“If you’re riding north with old Shang we may never meet again this side of the bourn,” Augustus said, deliberately adopting the elegiac tone. “At the very least you’ll get your hearing ruint. That voice of his could deafen a rock.” Dish had to smile. Gus seemed unaware that one of the more persistent topics of dispute on the Texas range was whether his voice was louder than Shanghai Pierce’s. It was commonly agreed that the two men had no close rivals when it came to being deafening.>>完整场景
“She bit a hunk out of him, that’s why,” Pea said. “I don’t know why the Captain wants to keep her.” “Fillies are his only form of folly,” Augustus said. “What’s he doing letting a horse bite him? I thought you boys were digging the new well?” “Hit rock,” Pea said. “Ain’t room for but one man to swing a pick down in that hole, so Newt swung it while I shod horses.>>完整场景
Oh whoa whoa whoa, rock !>>完整场景
Timmy and I hope the rock will get better as we got higher, but three hours later, I felt like we were standing on a slanted roof of a high-rise with nothing but marbles under our boots.>>完整场景
We rope up and prepared to make our move from solid ice to crumbling rock.>>完整场景
It looks like we have 10 pitches of really rotten rock.>>完整场景
There's no ice left on the summit and from here the rock doesn't look solid.>>完整场景
We've rock copped and bushwhacked 10 hours a day for the last few days.>>完整场景
Yvon made the first ascent of this route back in 1964, when it's considered the most difficult rock climb in the world.>>完整场景
You know, my Dad was all about farting and, you know, just... He, uh-- we would drive around in the car-- he's a classic rock fan, and he would always try to fart to the tunes.>>完整场景
( rock skipping, ricocheting)>>完整场景
You hit rock and then those layers of shale.>>完整场景
This man, together with Sheriff Kretzer and a crew of volunteer rescue workers, is tirelessly fighting this battle against stubborn rock and fleeting time with a human life at stake.>>完整场景
Cut through all that rock?>>完整场景
For every rock and tree.>>完整场景
- The rock's good. We're safe on the rock.>>完整场景
I'll risk it. I'm sick of scratching around in rock and bone... making assumptions about the nurturing habits of animals... that have been dead for 65 million years.>>完整场景
Grant and the others look up in stunned amazement. They step back behind the rock for safety and look to the right. They see another raptor approaching.>>完整场景