
adj. 黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的


Michael's dispassionate face, looking down. THE VIEW MOVES to Hagen's, and then down to the murky water under the bridge, where we see the bodies of three strangers, lying in the moving water; machine-type guns nearby, with their throats cut. Light from the many flashlights illuminates the grotesque scene.>>完整场景
In the cold murky depths, they pull frantically on the bars.>>完整场景
The others look down in the murky water. Just below the surface, A SHIMMERING WAVE OF SILVER passes beneath the boat.>>完整场景
Suddenly, an underwater shape RIPPLES against the water’ssurface. Will is so startled that he drops the pole, whichdisappears into the murky water.>>完整场景
Murky. Claustrophobic. With knife-slits of hot sunlight.>>完整场景
Hell is murky.>>完整场景
Hell is murky.>>完整场景
INT. THE BASTILLE - MAIN COURTYARD - NIGHT The prison courtyard is murky in the darkness, and ringed by doors leading into mazes of corridors to its dungeons.>>完整场景
EXT. PARIS BACKSTREETS - NIGHT They walk through the murky darkness of Paris' backstreets.>>完整场景