
n. 弹药筒,弹药;一卷软片;笔芯


He jumped down, pulled his rifle and cartridge rolls clear of the horse and dropped them in the buffalo wallow. Then he drew his knife, wrapped the bridle reins tightly around one hand, and jabbed the knife into the horse’s neck, slashing the jugular vein. Blood poured out and the horse leaped and plunged desperately but Augustus held on, though sprayed with blood. When the horse fell, he managed to turn him so that the horse lay across one end of the wallow, his blood pumping out into the dust. Once the horse tried to rise, but Augustus jerked him back and he didn’t try again.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
You're a blessing for business He eats his 'beef roll' here every day because you bring them Then let him have them before they get cold Look, the new small format camera from Leica The newest innovation from Germany See, the film is only 35mm wide and fits in this little cartridge The most amazing thing is the split-image rangefinder Right now I see two of you, Miss llona Now the images are moving toward each other When there's only one image, you're in focus Good German craftsmanship Your beef roll is getting cold Angels don't get older, but they have birthdays all the same So they can sip champagne All the best to you on your birthday, my angel How beautiful!
>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
The Dispatcher attempts to remove the message, but it is stuck in the cartridge. He yanks on it, but the paper stretches out like rubber. The scene now becomes like a cartoon. He lodges his feet against the typewriter and pulls until the paper stretches to his face. He grumbles in Donald Duck voice. The typewriter snaps back and hits him.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script