
vt. 为…理发;修整


INT. BARBER SHOP - DAY Admiral Kimmel is settling into the barber chair when his AIDE enters and nods for the barber to move a few paces away, so that he can speak privately.>>完整场景
BODY IN BARBER SHOP (WINTER 1945) A MAN is covered by a sheet on the floor of a barber shop.>>完整场景
The barber starts on Drew's head, big clumps of hair falling down to the floor.>>完整场景
But the one-legged man only turned out to be Dillard Brawley, the barber who had ruined his voice screeching the time he and Gus had had to take off his leg.>>完整场景
“The barber says there’s a drummer with an accordion staying in the hotel,” Lippy said. “If he ain’t too attached to the accordion, I might buy it. We could make some fine music back at the wagon if we had an accordion to play.” “You oughta buy a new-hat,” Jimmy Rainey said boldly, for Lippy was still wearing the disgraceful bowler he had worn in Lonesome Dove.>>完整场景
“I think you should all go to the barber and forget these whores,” he added. “They will just take your money, and what will you get for it?” “Something nice,” Needle said.>>完整场景
Dee came to the window—it was just two steps. Ellie saw that he had not shaved in several days—another surprise. Dee was particular about barbering and had always had the best barber in town come and shave him every morning. The eyes that she had remembered almost every day of the long trip—Dee’s merry eyes—now just looked scared and sad.>>完整场景
Frog Lip just looked at him, neither smiling nor frowning. The insolence of the look was so great that for a moment Jake contemplated gunplay. He wanted to shoot the look off the black man’s face. But instead he touched his horse lightly with the spurs and followed the Suggs brothers across the plain. He felt angry—the barber and the whore he had been looking forward to had been put off. Soon he heard the black man’s horse fall in behind him.>>完整场景
“I’LL BE GLAD to get to Dodge,” Jake said. “I’d like a bath and a whore. And a good barber to shave me. There’s a barber there named Sandy that I fancy, if nobody ain’t shot him.” “You’ll know tomorrow, I guess,” Dan Suggs said. “I’ve never liked barbers myself.” “Dan don’t even like whores,” Roy Suggs said. “Dan’s hard to please.” Jake was cheered by the thought that Dodge was so close. He was tired of the empty prairie and the sullen Suggses, and was looking forward to jolly company and some good card games. He had every intention of wiggling loose from the Suggses in Dodge. Gambling might be his ticket. He could win a lot of money and tell them he’d had enough of the roving life. They didn’t own him, after all.>>完整场景
An afternoon passed in that way, with Roscoe alternately vomiting and lying on his back in the wagon, trying to recover his equilibrium. When he lay on his back the hot sun, beat right down in his face, giving him a hard headache. The only way to block the sun was to put his hat over his face, but when he did that the close atmosphere in the hat, which smelled like the hair lotion Pete Peters, the barber back in Fort Smith, had used liberally, made him sick to his stomach again.>>完整场景
“I guess we’ll try to find a ridge to camp on,” Jake said. “It would be nice to be upwind from these smelly beasts.” “Good God, Jake, if you’re that finicky you ought to have been a barber,” Augustus said. “Then you could smell hair oil and toilet water all day and never be offended.” He walked over and helped Lorena mount. The brown mare was restless and kept slinging her head.>>完整场景
“Why, Jake, you could buy a bath from the Mexican barber for ten cents,” Lippy pointed out.>>完整场景
Unfortunately no medical man had taken an interest in the town since, and Augustus and Call, both of whom had coped with their share of wounds, got called on to do such surgery as was deemed essential. Dillard Brawley’s leg had presented no problem, except that Dillard screeched so loudly that he injured his vocal cords. He got around good on one leg, but the vocal cords had never fully recovered, which ultimately hurt his business. Dillard had always talked too much, butafter the trouble with the centipedes, what he did was whisper too much. Customers couldn’t relax under their hot towels for trying to make out Dillard’s whispers. He hadn’t really been worth listening to, even when he had two legs, and in time many of his customers drifted off to the Mexican barber. Call even used the Mexican, and Call didn’t trust Mexicans or barbers.>>完整场景
The damp burlap the jug was wrapped in naturally appealed to the centipedes, so Augustus made sure none had sneaked under the wrapping before he uncorked the jug and took a modest swig. The one white barber in Lonesome Dove, a fellow Tennessean named Dillard Brawley, had to do his barbering on one leg because he had not been cautious enough about centipedes. Two of the vicious red-legged variety had crawled into his pants one night and Dillard had got up in a hurry and had neglected to shake out the pants. The leg hadn’t totally rotted off, but it had rotted sufficiently that the family got nervous about blood poisoning and persuaded he and Call to saw it off.>>完整场景
503. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.>>完整场景
EXT. BARBER SHOP The three men in the barber shop watch the news on television.>>完整场景
INT. BARBER SHOP - DAY The three men sit as they watch the television. Forrest runs through the main street of town.>>完整场景
President Johnson looks down and smiles. The three men in the barber shop look up in disbelief. Mrs. Gump looks up in shock.>>完整场景
INT. BARBER SHOP The television revealing Forrest as he drops his pants, bends over and shows the bullet wound on his bare buttocks.>>完整场景
EXT. GREENBOW Forrest runs across the street. THE TWO OLD MEN sit in front of the barber shop.>>完整场景
Forrest stops suddenly as his brace gets stuck. Forrest's brace is caught in a gutter grate. Mrs. Gump bends down and tries to free Forrest. Two old cronies sit in front of a barber shop and watch.>>完整场景
The Barber locks the front door and pulls down the blind.>>完整场景
The Barber slowly pushes Paul backwards, out of his shop.>>完整场景
We can hear the DOGS BARKING in the distance:
the policecordon has encircled the village and is drawing closer. INT. BARBER SHOP -- EVENING Paul wanders into the shop, his head covered in bandages.>>完整场景