
n. 意大利式细面条


Spaghetti is a type of pasta. It looks like long pieces of string and is usually served with a sauce.
>> 76-April Fools' Day
The best spaghetti in town.
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
Butch-a, he says he wants-a two spaghetti speciale.
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
No Spaghetti walls.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script
Kay, you've got it wrong. That kind of thing's all over, I promised you. This was between the two brothers. Years ago Frankie had a young girlfriend; he called her his co-wife. That was his joke, but he meant it. He wouldn't divorce his wife... because she was a great cook. He said he girlfriend made a spaghetti sauce once and it was so terrible he knew he could never marry her. He set her up in a house in Jersey. She had to be faithful... and she had to have kids.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
McCLUSKEY is eating a plate of spaghetti and veal. SOLLOZZO turns around upon hearing the door, and looks directly at MICHAEL. MICHAEL looks back. Then he smiles and continues back to the table. He sits down.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
Sure, you two go right ahead; I'll concentrate on my veal and my spaghetti.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
She starts to eat her spaghetti.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
Then eat your spaghetti and I'll tell you a Luca Brasi story.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
You know I love spaghetti.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
You like spaghetti?
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
When I was a little girl... whenever my mother would cook spaghetti... she would let me reach into the pot and squeeze the noodles.
>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
He finds a small colander to empty the hot pasta water into, but it’s too small and the spaghetti spills over.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
He drove 'em around in circles on spaghetti junction.
>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
As the Operatic Spaghetti Western Music Builds to a crescendo...we CUT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women that get TIGHTER AND TIGHTER as we ZOOM in CLOSER and CLOSER....UNTIL...We reach the THEME'S CLIMAX.... Both women let loose with a Samurai Grunt and Swing.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
FLASHBACK - SPAGHETTI WESTERN STYLE of Pai Mei SNATCHING out Elle's eye with his Eagle's Claw.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
As a HEAVY METAL COMBAT BEAT begins to PULSATE ON THE SOUNDTRACK, The Boys and The Bride have a Spaghetti Western Stand-off.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The Bride The VENGEANCE THEME BURSTS ON THE SOUNDTRACK...The Vein on her forehead begins to pulsate. WE DO A QUICK SHAW BROTHERS ZOOM INTO HER EYES. A SPAGHETTI-WESTERN FLASHBACK of O-Ren beating the sh*t outta her at the wedding chapel IS SUPERIMPOSED OVER HER EYES. The FLASHBACK DISSOLVES, we ZOOM BACK INTO A CU, the vein stops pulsating, and the theme STOPS PLAYING OVER THE SOUNDTRACK, LEAVING A CLEAN, COLORFUL CU of The Bride loaded for bear.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
QUICK CUT TO A FLASHBACK SPAGHETTI-WESTERN STYLE back at the wedding chapel, gun pointed down at our face.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
FLASHBACK - SPAGHETTI WESTERN STYLE (That means our Heroine is remembering something, and we see it with an orange filter.) We're back inside the wedding chapel. The Bride is taking the beating of her life by four people in black suits. A black woman PUNCHES HER in the face... WE see it's the black housewife, five years earlier.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
BLACK AND WHITE CU of a WOMAN lying on the floor, looking up. The woman on the floor has just taken a severe spaghetti-western-style gang beating. Her face is bloody, beaten up, and torn. The high contrast B/W turning the red blood into black blood.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script