
n. 主要部分,要点;体力;总管道


The third course is the main course.>>完整场景
In the mean-time, you go to the main floor to buy some more swaps well actually, we're about to invest in housing bonds.>>完整场景
She moves back to the main house.>>完整场景
He leads Michael into the main casino.>>完整场景
VIEW BY MICHAEL'S HOUSE Kay exits her house, followed by her children; she helps them into her station wagon like any housewife, and drives along the path leading to the main gate.>>完整场景
Several men with flashlights reinforce the guard at the main gate.>>完整场景
EXT. MAIN GATE AND KENNELS - NIGHT The character of the summer estate has changed: bright floodlights illuminate the main points of entry: the main gate; the waterway; the stone wall that encompasses the estate on all sides.>>完整场景
Albert Neri, alone, leaves it to the parking valets, and moves quickly through the automatic doors, into the main casino. We still hear the CORLEONE WALTZ.>>完整场景
EXT. ELLIS ISLAND - DAY A tugboat pulls a barge brimming with immigrants into the Ellis Island harbor. Uniformed officials of the Immigration Service load them up toward the main building.>>完整场景
NERI continues up the 55th St. and Fifth Avenue area. He continues until he is in front of Rockefeller Center. On his side of the street, he spots a limousine waiting directly across from the main entrance of the building. Slowly he approaches the limo, and taps on its fender with his nightstick.>>完整场景
MICHAEL hesitates in the center of the main street. He looks.>>完整场景
The THREE pass under an enormous banner slung over the main road "VOTA COMMUNISTA".>>完整场景
I was told that my Grandfather was murdered on its main street; and his murderers came to kill my father there when he was twelve years old.>>完整场景
They are not expecting her, and ask her to wait while they call the main house.>>完整场景
Young BUTTON MEN in raincoats stand in quiet groups of various points around the main house and compound. Things have changed; one house has been extensively enlarged; a new and secure gate house has been built. Security measures that had been make-shift and temporarily have now been made a permanent part of the Mall, evolving it into a Medieval Fortress. We notice a huge crater in the courtyard; the result of a recent bomb attempt. The house nearest the crater is damaged by fire.>>完整场景
DON'S HALL & LIVING ROOM (WINTER 1945) MICHAEL steps into the foyer of the main house. A card table is set up with a man playing cards with three of the Corleone buttonmen.>>完整场景
MALL, FEATURING DON'S HOUSE (WINTER 1945) The windows of the main house are dark except for the DON's study. It stands out against the cold, dark night.>>完整场景
HALL (WINTER 1945) The Hallway of the main house is filled with MEN MICHAEL doesn't recognize. They pay little attention to him. Most of them are waiting; sitting uncomfortably; no one is talking.>>完整场景
MALL (WINTER 1945) FULL VIEW OF THE CORLEONE MALL. It is night, but the courtyard is bathed with white light from floodlights on the tops of all the houses. It is very cold. We see the figure of SONNY cross the Mall, and let himself into the main house.>>完整场景
A couple of our people will come to stay here. Do whatever they say; I'm going over to the main house.>>完整场景
NIGHTCLUB (WINTER 1945) The main floor of the Nightclub is very large, with endless glistening wooden floors. Now, at this late time, the chairs have been stacked on the tables and a NEGRO JANITOR is waxing them. A single HAT-CHECK GIRL is counting her receipts. LUCA moves past the empty bandstand, and sits at the bar. ANOTHER MAN, dark and very well-built, moves behind the bar.>>完整场景
He owns the studio. Just a month ago he bought the movie rights to this book, a best seller. And the main character is a guy just like me. I wouldn't even have to act, just be myself.>>完整场景
MALL ENTRANCE (SUMMER 1945) Outside the main gate of the Mall, SEVERAL MEN in suits, working together with a MAN in a dark sedan, walk in and out of the rows of parked cars, writing license plate numbers down in their notebooks. We HEAR the music and laughter coming from the party in the distance.>>完整场景
MALL (SUMMER 1945) A HIGH ANGLE of the CORLEONE MALL in bright daylight. There are at least five hundred guests filling the main courtyard and gardens. There is music and laughing and dancing and countless tables covered with food and wine.>>完整场景
To see which ones count toward mandated community service, please consult the list outside the main office.>>完整场景