
n. 罐头,一罐;金属容器


You can do me no harm until the parley is complete.>>完整场景
You can keep doing that forever.>>完整场景
I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate, I can kill him!>>完整场景
Like I said, there's no real ship that can match the Interceptor... You! Get away from there!>>完整场景
There's no real ship that can match the Interceptor.>>完整场景
The Dauntless is the power in these waters, but there's no ship that can match the Interceptor for speed.>>完整场景
This is the map no man can read.>>完整场景
The trident be all that can save him now.>>完整场景
I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong.>>完整场景
There can be no logical explanation.>>完整场景
I can take us to the Trident, if you'd only trust me.>>完整场景
No vessel can outrun that wretched haul of the ship.>>完整场景
How can I honestly make an honest woman out of it?>>完整场景
Where he can settle his debt, here and now.>>完整场景
- He can never escape the island.>>完整场景
Carina is the only one who can help us find the Trident.>>完整场景
So no one can find the X, but you, right?>>完整场景
I can vouch for that.>>完整场景
How can we go to a spot, where no land exists on any map?>>完整场景
So she's saying she's got the map, but she's the only one who can follow it?>>完整场景
But if you can not avoid the charming sister.>>完整场景
As ships burning the night, you want to know if you can save your own.>>完整场景
Maps that no man can read.>>完整场景
Then it wouldn't be call the map that no man can read.>>完整场景
Give me the map no man can read.>>完整场景