
adj. 因情况而异的;不一定的;偶然发生的


The crowd is going crazy. Trevor has a predator's grin on his face as he sits down in his corner to get ready to start the match. Immediately, his contingent of people start to work on him – massage, drinks, etc.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Mixed in with the British crowd is a small contingent waving the flag of Holland and a slightly larger contingent of Americans.
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But the steel grate of the archway slams down just before they reach it, and blades point at them from every angle of the darkness. A shielded lantern rises and its wick is turned up, revealing D'ARTAGNAN he stands with a small contingent of young Musketeers. His eyes are intense, his face in agony.
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259EXT -- PRISON -- DAY (1966) 259 Police cruisers everywhere. A media circus. REPORTERS jostle for position. A colorless DISTRICT ATTORNEY steps forward into CLOSEUP, flanked by a contingent of S.ATE TROOPERS.
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