
adj. 精密的;美好的;细微的;和蔼的


And glue people are incredibly nice people who sit at interstitial boundaries between groups and they assist in activity.>>完整场景
It's something just to look nice.>>完整场景
I look nice?>>完整场景
You look nice, though.>>完整场景
That's not very nice.>>完整场景
The spirit told us, "Pull in at Tortuga," and we made a nice bit of profit there.>>完整场景
Somewhere nice?!>>完整场景
Be nice to have a map about now. Or a ship.>>完整场景
Hector. How nice to see a fellow pirate make good for himself.>>完整场景
You have rooms at the Biltmore. I suggest a nice meal and a good night's sleep. We leave tomorrow.>>完整场景
That was a nice little stunt you pulled, buzzing the base.>>完整场景
Yeah and eh.. Other people that sounds nice!>>完整场景
It's not so enjoyable we live in an era of fraud in America not just in banking, but in government education, religion food, even baseball what bothers me... Isn't that .. Fraud is not nice or that fraud... is mean it's that .. For fifteen thousand years fraud and short-sighted thinking have never ever worked not once, eventually Jesus you'll get caught we're at thirtyseven things go south! -It's f***ing plummeting man, it's f***ing plummeting!>>完整场景
Yeah, don't worry, we'll play nice!>>完整场景
There's a nice way to say that Vinnie... I'm serious we'll buy your swaps, but only if you say how you're f***ing us.>>完整场景
Being nice and fat... that's a nice shirt, do they make it for men?>>完整场景
But wait... you are the bank you work for the bank, I bet your margins are pretty nice and fat.>>完整场景
All social interf.. Actions are awkward for me and for the... person even when I try to compliment... It somehow... it comes out wrong... You have a very nice haircut, you do it yourself?>>完整场景
- Have a nice time.>>完整场景
- Nice to see you, Mr Zasa.>>完整场景
Vincent, it's so nice.>>完整场景
lt's so nice to see you.>>完整场景
FBI MAN #2 We got some nice books.>>完整场景
Yeah, that was a good break. A nice deal.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) Well, we can all have a nice dinner together tonight. How are your eyes?>>完整场景