
adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的


on strike;have stated;general agreement;pay and working conditions;the strike;private cars;free rides; relieve pressure; to some extent; have volunteered to; expert drivers;pass a special test;take the test in two days' time; express its gratitude to students in letters to the Press; the Press; have objected that ...;
>> 84-On Strike
All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.
>> 84-On Strike
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>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.
>> 2024-9 stadium, gym naked
If you don't have the ganas, I will give it to you because I am an expert.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
Nobody called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb grave robbing. I have museum-trained experts here, making sure this stuff is preserved and catalogued properly. Look at this drawing, which was found today... The video camera pans off Brock to the drawing, in a tray of water. The image of the woman with the necklace FILLS FRAME.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
On the other side, crammed into the remaining space is a bearded wide-body named LEWIS BODINE, sho is also asleep. Lewis is an R.O.V. (REMOTELY OPERATED VEHICLE) pilot and is the resident Titanic expert.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
11. Don’t Just Toss and Turn.
Most experts agree that if you are having trouble falling asleep, it is best to get out of bed, go to another room and engage in a relaxing activity such as ready or listening to music. Once you begin to feel sleepy again, return to bed.
>> 人只要规律睡眠就没有身体不好的
And what makes you the expert?
>> bully-bullies
The first one is be an expert about what you're talking about.
>> 2024-5 Tai Chi and Yoga
In the end Lewis Rainier's mortgage backed security mutated into a monstrosity that collapsed the whole world economy and none of the experts, or leaders, or talking heads had a clue it was coming.
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
No, and beware of fire (You show a beautiful (Ellis But Knin Knin Stsubhy better if smart So tell me where the safe? - If you know, I'll tell you - In my opinion it does not know anything You have to storm this place ! Will kill her Where is the translator? - It is here - Could, took her - Could, took her? - It's one of us Expert in the secret missions (When sent to the "Russia" in order to find (Pierce I went there did not appear ...I think it has not yet decided Are they in or described on our side But a good agent ...Except that they fall in love with any man Spend some time with him on a train Mr. I'm the translator Yes, progress Can you brief us on the context of the matter?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
! Discourse burn to ashes Do not touch the hell ! Collect the ashes and go by the expert Sosalehh in any way We can not cross from this narrow road We have to go from the back, come faster Turn left ! Come faster Let us Police, paved the way ! Damn This arrived on Wednesday So, for the last friendly face Exactly as you expected Do not care what he took by (What I care about is the money stolen from (Reginald Shaw ! And this person is the process of transport Ahmed Toubali) Marcel parcels) ... Of Algerian origin ! Seems that is married and has children ! It is also 4 feet shorter than the supposed to be ! At least this is not the man who expected to appear (Congratulations to you (Okachison You have to solve this issue certainly Seedy this morning had received a letter ... I think that we have a big reason in order to ...Alexander Pearce) has 744 million in legal expense) Which makes it sends something we can not be followed This process has now instructed me to ! Eight million pounds If there is a probability of 1 on a hundred ... You will succeed in this . It would be natural to complete this case But I do not find the probability ...In order to Thank you, sir ...Sir, we have expectations for the theft of in - Not now - "Leon" ! Will meet in the "Lyon" in the eighth and twenty-two minutes "Perhaps you will meet in a train station" Lyon "Yes, it is the train station" Lyon ! There will be a train at 8:22 pm ! Act now "Train to the train station" Lyon
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
I know the experts are impressed by your encryption but what if I'm a hacker and I break into your server?
>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
They are expert fighters now, and they move through the complicated routines with ease.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
(trying to sound like an expert) That's easy. You just talk to them like you would to the guys – you just don't tell them as much, and... not in the same way... Drew is in over his head.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
There is much activity going on, all of it swift, expert, economical. FEZZIK reaches up along the Cliff face, grabs a jutting rock, reaches behind it. Suddenly there is a thick rope in his hands. He drops back to the boat, gives the rope a freeing swing and
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
We're talking to a psychology expert later to discuss... Fuel pressure, green.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
“No, not Gus,” Dish said. “He’s had lots of experience with horsethieves. Besides, he’s got the Captain with him. They’re expert fighters.” Lorena knew that. She had seen Gus kill the Kiowas and the buffalo hunters. But it didn’t ease her fears. She would have to lie in the tent all night, worrying. A bullet could hit anyone, she knew—even Gus. If he didn’t come back, she would have no hope of protection.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“They ain’t supposed to fight us no more,” he said. “Gus claims the government paid ’em to stop.” “Yes, but whoever heard of an Indian doing what he was supposed to do?” Lippy said. “Maybe some of them consider that they wasn’t paid enough.” “What would you know?” Jasper inquired. “When did you ever see an Indian?” “I seen plenty,” Lippy informed him. “What do you think made this hole in my stomach? An Apache Indian made that hole.” “Apache?” Dish said. “Where did you find an Apache?” “West of Santa Fe,” Lippy said. “I traded in them parts, you know. That’s where I learned to play the piano.” “I wouldn’t be surprised if you forget how before we come to a place that’s got one,” Pea Eye said. He found himself more and more depressed by the prospect of endless plains. Normally, in his traveling days, he had ridden through one kind of country for a while and then come to another kind of country. It had even been true on the trail drive: first there had been brush, then the limestone hills, then some different brush, and then the plains. But after that there had just been more and more plains, and no end in sight that he could see. Once or twice he asked Deets how soon they could expect to come to the end of them, for Deets was the acknowledged expert on distances, but this time Deets had to admit he was stumped. He didn’t know how long the plains went on. “Over a thousand, I guess,” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He’s an expert on where places is at.” “Why, there’s nothing north of here,” Dish said, surprised that anyone would think otherwise. “You have to go east a ways to get into the towns.” “I thought we was going to strike Ogallala,” Needle reminded him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He’s an expert on where places is at.” “Why, there’s nothing north of here,” Dish said, surprised that anyone would think otherwise. “You have to go east a ways to get into the towns.” “I thought we was going to strike Ogallala,” Needle reminded him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They made a wet camp and Po Campo poured hot coffee down them by the gallon, but it still promised to be a miserable night. Po and Deets, the acknowledged experts on weather, discussed the situation and admitted they didn’t know when it might stop raining.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“How long do you think it will take us to get up north?” Newt asked Deets, the acknowledged expert on times and distances.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He was even tempted to sound out Gus on the plan—Gus knew more about marriage than anyone else—but every time he planned to bring it up he either got sleepy first or decided at the last second he had better keep quiet. If the plan was ridiculous in the eyes of an expert, then Pea wouldn’t know what to think, and besides, Gus would never let up teasing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇