adj. 成荫的;阴暗的;名声不好的
- Limelight, disguise,ancient,precaution,a shady spot,sheriff, in case you can't read. with a sneer.
Limelight,伪装,古老,预防措施,阴凉处,警长,以防你看不懂。冷笑一声。>> 74-Out of the Limelight- Yes, there's some shady sh*t going down!>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
- E FIRST GOOD WASH Lorena got was in the Nueces River. They had had a bad day trying to fight their way through mesquite thickets, and when they came to the river she just decided to stop, particularly since she found a shady spot where there wasn’t any mesquite or prickly pear.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- He walked through the house and had a look at the roofless barn, amused at how little trace remained of their ten years’ residence. They had lived the whole time as if they might leave at any minute, and now that was exactly what they had done. The barn would stay roofless, the well only partially dug. The rattlesnakes could take the springhouse, for all he cared—he had already removed his whiskey jug. It would be a while before he had such a good shady porch to sit on, drinking the afternoon out. In Texas he had drunk to take his mind off the heat; in Montana, no doubt, it would be to take his mind off the cold. He didn’t feel sad. The one thing he knew about Texas was that he was lucky to be leaving it alive—and, in fact, he had a long way to go before he could be sure of accomplishing that much.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- 70A EXT. CHELSEA HOTEL -- ESTABLISHING - DAY 70A 71 INT. OFFICE OF CARL ELWAY - SUCCESSFUL, BUT SHADY - DAY 71 CARL ELWAY, 40, preppie Waspy, very old fashioned withcigarette holder, but something vaguely criminal about him, in his conservative suit, natty white and red striped shirt, and navy blue tie sits with Irving.>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
- Every day, all around the world, Deloitte professionals are making an impact that matters... It turns out that dozens of Chinese reverse mergers used the same trick hiding shady financials behind audits from the Big Four.>> The China Hustle Movie Script
- RED (V.O.) And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned... TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine.
雷德(画外音)在每一笔可疑交易的背后,在每一美元的背后。。。向桌子旁的安迪倾斜,一边在加法机上计算数字,一边若有所思地咀嚼着。>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script