
n. [音]同度;同音;和谐;齐唱


RICHIE DIMASO: (in unison with Simone on tape) -- If we have to lean on somebody, intimate somebody, we'll intimidate somebody!!
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
As he leaves, Will mutters in perfect unison with his father- EDWARD AND WILL: We were part of the same equation.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
Blue Co-pilot and Yellow Co-pilot COUNT DOWN in unison – BLUE CO-PILOT (over radio) Five, four, three, two, one, go... Blue truck, behind the convoy, GUNS THE ACCELERATOR, as yellow truck, in front of the convoy, SLAMS ON THE BRAKES... The two SUVS are ACCORDIONED against the nuclear truck, then CARRIED FORWARD WITH THE NUCLEAR TRUCK as the coloured trucks CLOSE FORMATION and PULL FORWARD, maintaining pace – Go yellow! BLUE CO-PILOT (CONT'D) The YELLOW CO-PILOT in the broadcast truck sends out STATIC – INT./EXT. SECURITY SUV – CONTINUOUS The SECURITY DRIVER is trying the radio – STATIC... INT. CONTROL CENTRE, TALLINN POLICE – CONTINUOUS A POLICE OPERATOR is frowning, trying the radio. He calls to his SUPERVISOR –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script

INT. CLASSROOM - DAY STANLEY CUNNINGHAM is a teacher in his late forties. He writes a question on the board. MR. CUNNINGHAM Can anyone guess what city was the capital of the United States of America from 1790 to 1800? Mr. Cunningham turns and stares at his class of eight and nine year old private school students. They stare back at him blankly. Cole rests his chin on his desk and watches the class with big eyes. MR. CUNNINGHAM ...I'll give you a hint, it's the city you live in. The class says the answer in unison.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script