
vt. 想像;猜想;臆断


But, as you can imagine, that didn't sit too well with the Captain.>>完整场景
That would be short for William, I imagine. Good, strong name.>>完整场景
Not a name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many that you have but it is what we call you.>>完整场景
I imagine some of your crew may have jumped ship there.>>完整场景
They say the stench of its breath is like... Imagine, the last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses.>>完整场景
- I didn't really know what to expect, but nobody can imagine how big a ship is out of water like that.>>完整场景
Hitler's taken Europe. The Brits are hanging on by their fingernails, and If they lose, there'll be more people killed than anybody can imagine. And not just there, but here.>>完整场景
THE DON takes it, and then LUCA's hand, which he squeezes so tightly we might imagine it to be painful.>>完整场景
I can't even imagine how hard that must be.>>完整场景
Just imagine how it would be to spend all that money in six months.>>完整场景
Can you imagine Ottavio, with the excuse that he's the oldest, coming here to act as lord and master of the place?>>完整场景
! Anna surrendered Math, I teach mathematics I did not think this ever I imagine you're a great math teacher, is not it?>>完整场景
I imagine we have a file on everyone.>>完整场景
MEDITATION MONK: Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. Imagine yourself sitting on the bank of a river watching your thoughts flow by. Clear your mind... Think of nothing.>>完整场景
I couldn't imagine that, the establishment of Po Chi Lam in the America a year ago, would pave the way for tragedy And I dragged Master down too... Uncle Han, are you afraid?>>完整场景
Can you imagine what he's going through up there?>>完整场景
“People have their whimsies,” he said. “Your friend was a crazy patient. I imagine we’d have quarreled if he’d lived.” “I imagine,” Call said. “But I intend to honor the wish.” “We’ll pack him in charcoal and salt,” the doctor said. “It’ll take a barrel or two. Luckily there’s a good salt lick not far from here.” “I may need to leave him all winter,” Call said. “Is there a place I could store him?” “My harness shed would do fine,” the doctor said. “It’s well ventilated, and he’ll keep better in the cool. Do you want his other leg?” “Well, where is it?” Call asked, startled.>>完整场景
“I wouldn’t bother him now,” the doctor said. “It’s much too late. I suppose I’m to blame for not outwitting him. He was brought to me unconscious, or I might have figured out what a testy character he is.” Augustus smiled. “Would you bring Captain Call a glass, and some of that venison?” he said. “I imagine he’s hungry.” Call wasn’t ready to give up, although he felt it was probably hopeless. “You got those two women, back in Nebraska,” he pointed out. “Those women would race to take care of you.” “Clara’s got one invalid already, and she’s bored with him,” Augustus said. “Lorie would look after me but it would be a sorry life for her.” “Not as sorry as the one you rescued her from,” Call reminded him.>>完整场景
“I guess we’re fairly surrounded,” he said. “Some downstream and some upstream.” “I don’t see why we didn’t stay in Texas,” Pea Eye said. “The Indians was mostly whipped down there.” “Well, this is just bad luck we’re having,” Augustus said. “We just run into a little bunch of fighters. I imagine they’re about as scarce as the buffalo.” “Reckon we can hold ’em off until the Captain comes and looks for us?” Pea asked.>>完整场景
“He might,” Augustus said. “He might fall off his horse if he gets real nervous. Let’s chase the buffalo for a while.” “Why?” Pea asked. Po Campo had packed them plenty of meat. He couldn’t imagine why Gus would bother with buffalo.>>完整场景
Occasionally, when he caught Clara looking at him, he almost flinched, for he did not imagine that he could hide anything from her. She was too smart—he had the sense that she could figure out anything. Her eyes were mysterious to him—often she seemed to be amused by him, at other times irritated. Sometimes her eyes seemed to pierce him, as if she had decided to read his thoughts as she would read a book. And then, in a moment, she would lift her head and ignore him, as if he were a book she had glanced through and found too uninteresting for further perusal.>>完整场景
But he had a son now, a baby he saw every day at supper and breakfast. His son was the darling of the ranch. The women and girls passed Martin around as if he belonged to them all; Lorena had developed a rapport with him and took the main responsibility for him when Clara was off with the horses. The baby was happy, and no wonder, with two women and twogirls to spoil him. July could hardly imagine what the women would do if he tried to take the baby and raise him in Arkansas. Anyway, such a plan was not feasible.>>完整场景
“Let’s take him on,” Call said. “The men will want to pay their respects. I imagine we can catch them tonight.” They caught the herd not long before dawn. Dish Boggett was the night herder who saw them coming. He was very relieved, for with both of them gone, the herd had been his responsibility. Since he didn’t know the country, it was a heavy responsibility, and he had been hoping the bosses would get back soon. When he saw them he felt a little proud of himself, for he had kept the cattle on grass and had moved them along nicely.>>完整场景
“You better tie them three,” he said. “Otherwise they’ll follow us.” “I doubt they speak English, Woodrow,” Augustus said. “I imagine they speak Ute. Anyway, we killed their best warrior; they’re done for now unless they find some better country. Three horses won’t last them through the winter.” He looked around at the parched country, the naked ridges where the earth had split from drought. The ridges were varicolored, smudged with red and salt-white splotches, as if the fluids of the earth had leaked out through the cracks.>>完整场景
All day he rode west, and the country around him grew more bleak. Not fit for sheep, Call thought. Not hardly fit for lizards—in fact, a small gray lizard was the only life he saw all day. That night he made a dry camp in sandy country where the dirt was light-colored, almost white. He supposed he had come some sixty miles and could not imagine that the herd would make it that far, although the Hell Bitch seemed unaffected. He slept for a few hours and went on, arriving just after sunup on the banks of Salt Creek. It was not running, but there was adequate water in scattered shallow pools. The water was not good, but it was water. The trouble was, the herd was nearly eighty miles back—a four-day drive under normal conditions; and in this case the miles were entirely waterless, which wouldn’t make for normal conditions.>>完整场景