- “Oh, we could,” Augustus said. “We could have stopped pretty much anywhere along the way. It’s only your stubbornness kept us going this long. I guess it’ll be interesting to see if it can get us the next eighty miles.” Call got a plate and ate a big meal. He expected Po Campo to say something about their predicament, but the old cook merely dished out the food and said nothing. Deets was helping Pea Eye trim one of his horse’s feet, a task Pea Eye had never been good at.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- July rode upstream until he found a place where both deer and cattle had crossed. The water was seldom more than a foot deep. They crossed a reddish bar of earth, and it seemed for a moment they might bog, but July edged south and soon found firm footing. In a few minutes they were on the south bank, whereas the man in the beaver hat had made no progress at all. He was so cool about his predicament that it was hard to tell if he even wished to make progress.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- You can see my predicament. My weddingring, the symbol of fidelity to mywife, soon to be the mother of mychild, was now lost in the gut of anuncatchable fish.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- If he had used his fists that day, or used a stick to save that traffic officer, he would not be in this predicament today.>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script