
n. 声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单


Sir, the q&a is after my statement, but you know what, you seem anxious!>>完整场景
As the MUSIC concludes its statement.>>完整场景
So, I think in all fairness this committee should hear his statement and put it in the record.>>完整场景
Senator, my client would like to read a statement for the record.>>完整场景
MED. VIEW Michael stands with Kay and Mrs. Geary. The Senator's presence seems to be a statement of political and social status.>>完整场景
A few days pass, they get this Marin to retract her statement the stock rallies, and they clean up.>>完整场景
Tell Ed not to make a public statement, okay?>>完整场景
As for Secretary Bailey, he was not available for any statement at this time.>>完整场景
We release a statement with them.>>完整场景
“And pass the whiskey, if you can spare any,” Augustus added. “I hope you ain’t thrown my leg away.” The doctor jerked again, as if every statement pricked him.>>完整场景
The memory should have died, and yet it wouldn’t. It had a life different from any other memory. He had seen terrible things in battle and had mostly forgotten them, and yet he couldn’t forget the sad look in Maggie’s eyes when she mentioned that she wished he’d say her name. It made no sense that such a statement could haunt him for years, but as he got older, instead of seeming less important it became more important. It seemed to undermine all that he was, or that people thought he was. It made all his trying, his work and discipline, seem fraudulent, and caused him to wonder if his life had made sense at all.>>完整场景
July knew the statement was absurd. Roscoe was only a deputy because he was lazy. But if there was one thing he didn’t want to get into, it was an argument over whether Roscoe was lazy, so he gave him a wave and walked on off.>>完整场景
“Well, what’s Gus up to?” Maude asked. “I been sitting here waiting for him to come over and try to take me away from Joe, but I don’t guess he’s coming. Has he still got his craving for buttermilk?” “Yes, he drinks it by the gallon,” Call said. “I fancy it myself, so we compete.” He felt Maude’s statement not in the best of taste, but Joe Rainey continued to stare straight ahead and drip into his beard.>>完整场景
The men stopped on the far side of the lots to read the sign Augustus had put up when the Hat Creek outfit had gone in business. All Call wanted on the sign was the simple words Hat Creek Livery Stable, but Augustus could not be persuaded to stop at a simple statement like that. It struck him that it would be best to put their rates on the sign. Call had been for tacking up one board with the name on it to let people know a livery stable was available, but Augustus thought that hopelessly unsophisticated; he bestirred himself and found an old plank door that had blown off somebody’s root cellar, perhaps by the same wind that had taken their roof. He nailed the door onto one corner of the corrals, facing the road, so that the first thing most travelers saw when entering the town was the sign. In the end he and Call argued so much about what was to go on the sign that Call got disgusted and washed his hands of the whole project.That suited Augustus fine, since he considered that he was the only person in Lonesome Dove with enough literary talent to write a sign. When the weather was fair he would go sit in the shade the sign cast and think of ways to improve it; in the two or three years since they had put it up he had thought of so many additions to the original simple declaration that practically the whole door was covered.>>完整场景
At the very least, Call would come stomping up from the lots, only to be annoyed to discover it had just been a snake. Call had no respect whatsoever for snakes, or for anyone who stood aside for snakes. He treated rattlers like gnats, disposing of them with one stroke of whatever tool he had in hand. “A man that slows down for snakes might as well walk,” he often said, a statement that made about as much sense to an educated man as most of the things Call said.>>完整场景
The Lindstroem Record Company There's also a letter Thank you Dear Miss Varnai, dear Mr. Szabo, Our dear Mr. Andras Aradi left instructions that, after his death, royalties from "Gloomy Sunday" be paid to you in equal shares Enclosed please find the current semi-annual statement, Yours sincerely I'm beginning to like it too much Laszlo!>>完整场景
Snd handed it to the senator's statement.>>完整场景
STODDARD THORSEN Can I finish? Can I finish my statement?>>完整场景
AS CAMERA PULLS BACK - SEE STODDARD, BANDAGES ON HIS BRUISED FACE AND A WHITE EYE PATCH ON HIS INJURED EYE, SITTING OPPOSITE PROSECUTOR, AMADO - - the tape recorder and microphone sit on the desk in front of Stoddard as he records a statement for a report.>>完整场景
You can't even look at the bank statement.>>完整场景
When you talk about the investment banks, especially the bigger ones, fraud is baked into the income statement.>>完整场景
There was a statement from five Beijing finance professors who alleged wealthy and sophisticated short sellers from overseas were robbing small Chinese investors and ignoring risks of market instability.>>完整场景
You're also charged with being in violation of the university's policy on distribution of digitized images. Before we begin with our questioning you're allowed to make a statement. Would you like to do so?>>完整场景
Colonel Jessep, you have the right to remain silent. Any statement you do make can be used against you in a trial by court-martial or other judicial or administrative proceeding.>>完整场景
The transfer order that Parkinson signed is phoney. And Jessep's statement that the six a.m. flight was the first available is a lie, we're checking the tower chief's log. But in the meantime I'm gonna put the Apostle Jon Kendrick on the stand and see if we can't have a little fun.>>完整场景