
n. 光环;荣光


222 ROSE'S PERCEPTION... IN SLOW MOTION: The ropes going through the pulleys as the seamen start to lower. All sound going away... Lightoller giving orders, his lips moving... but Rose hears only the blood pounding in her ears... this cannot be happening... a rocket bursts above in slow-motion, outlining Jack in a halo of light... Rose's hair blowing in slow motion as she gazes up at him, descending away from him... she sees his hand trembling, the tears at the corners of his eyes, and cannot believe the unbearable pain she is feeling... Rose is still staring up, tears pouring down her face.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Tatum, you've been putting a halo around that Kretzer sheriff, so you could hog the whole story.
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Captain Price:

It's quite simple. Either we retake the launch facility or we won't recognize the world tomorrow. Green light to HALO. Charlie Team go. Second drop approaching. Bravo Team stay tight. Go. While the satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish and his team, SSgt. Griggs is tracked landing half a mile away from the group. The team lands.
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