
vt. 揭露;显示;透露;泄露; re =相反,real=reil=盖上,=揭示


They reveal a complete image of the sunken vessel in incredible detail.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON REAR OF COURTYARD Where a huge red sheet is pulled back to reveal tables laden with Chinese dishes, wine and other foods.>>完整场景
At first I was really bored, and very lonely. But then, things changed. Maybe it's like hitting the wall in running – it was like I became part of the courtyard, and I felt powerful. Even the spider became my friend... Drew opens up his hand to reveal a spider sitting in his palm.>>完整场景
Right now I'm asking how often they reveal a problem.>>完整场景
How often do those inspections reveal a problem?>>完整场景
“Oh, I’ll get you the beer,” Lippy said. “Got any cash?” The boys looked at one another, reluctant to reveal the extent of their riches lest Lippy try to exploit them in some way.>>完整场景
You know that I'm not at liberty to reveal the asset's genetic makeup.>>完整场景
Pull up to reveal a group of diggers working on a large skeleton. All we see are the tops of their hats. The paleontologist working on the claw lays it in his hand.>>完整场景
5 EXTTHE DIGDAY An artist's camel hair brush carefully sweeps away sand and rock to slowly reveal the dark curve of a fossil - it's a claw. A dentist's pick gently lifts it from the place its has laid for millions of years.>>完整场景
Clouds obscure the view, than parts reveal ISLA SORNA: rising majestically out of the water.>>完整场景
and we reveal... Mercenary Cooper, the weapons specialist we met earlier. He's wearing sunglasses so dark you can't tell whether he's staring at you or fast asleep.>>完整场景
The arm stops and suddenly the tray of sand shakes, dropping through holes in the bottom to reveal an object the size of a person's fist.>>完整场景
PULL BACK to reveal Skylar watching. As Jordan staggersin, Naomi approaches...>>完整场景
72 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT III - DAY (MAR ‘92) 72 CLOSE ON two BROKERS wrestling while others cheer them on. PULL BACK to reveal the place from the opening. 300 young Brokers and their hot ASSISTANTS work the phones.>>完整场景
Rosalyn sheds her muumuu, to reveal a white leotard.>>完整场景
The passenger side opens, but the man who steps out is barelyvisible over the door. He shuts it to reveal himself to be 70.>>完整场景
The door opens to reveal a blonde woman in her 50’s -- the woman from the grocery store. Her name is Jenny Hill.>>完整场景
We reveal the Bloom house, the nicest one in theneighborhood. Edward kisses his wife.>>完整场景
Edward sets down a contraption, which looks something like ametal lava lamp. Like a flower, it unfolds to reveal fivefingers and a thumb. This is the Hand Around the House.(TM)>>完整场景
INT. BASEMENT STORAGE AREA - DAY The doors open to reveal Sandra, Will and Josephine, staringinto the mouth of oblivion. The storeroom is a museum of hasty decisions and half-finished projects: partially builtoutboard motors, dead bonsai trees, Frankensteinianlawnmowers. We also find boxes of products Edward used tosell.>>完整场景
She stands with her hips turned in profile. Her body is aknockout, dress cut to reveal skin. The soldiers are on their feet, WHISTLING and HOLLERING.>>完整场景
EXT. ON STAGE The curtain rises to reveal PING (27) at a microphone. She’s as gorgeous a woman as you’ll ever see.>>完整场景
Finally, a decision is reached. The door opens to reveal thewoman of Edward’s dreams, Sandra Kay Templeton. She’s effortlessly beautiful, pure and simple as sunlight.>>完整场景
Edward climbs up onto the shore, completely drenched. He pulls up his pant legs to reveal three shiny leeches clingingto his skin.>>完整场景
EXT. ROAD - DAY We TILT UP from the road to reveal Edward and Karl walkingout of Ashton. Each wears a backpack with all his earthlypossessions.>>完整场景