
n. 枪眼;换气孔;漏洞;射弹孔


RUGRAT * That's a whole different thing. I * can get on the phone with some * people. I can talk to the * insurance company and tell them * exactly what we're going to do. * But I think we go back to the same * plan - loophole - if we don't * really consider them people I * think we are in the clear. * DONNIE * I think we should keep one in the * office because I think they’re * good luck. * JORDAN * Treat it like the f***in' thing it * is. He's coming in. We're paying * him for something. Treat him with * respect. And you just shake his * hand like you don't even think * anything's wrong. * DONNIE * You just look like something else * is going on. * RUGRAT * You don’t look at his eyes. * DONNIE * Say “thank you for being here”. * ROBBIE * You don’t turn your back on him. * It’s a sign of disrespect. * The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 35.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
We both know, that is an obscene bureaucratic loophole that's gonna be closed any goddamn day.
>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script