
n. 和平;和睦;平静;秩序


Him at peace.>>完整场景
My mind is at peace.>>完整场景
But there were still peace negotiations with America, and if the negotiations worked out, then the attack would be cancelled, so we could turn around at any time.>>完整场景
Though we cannot understand why our friends should die while we live, we can affirm our truest selves in our belief that any God worth divinity would choose both justice and mercy, and would take these fallen brothers and sisters into eternal peace. Amen.>>完整场景
The distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attacks was planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.>>完整场景
ON THE JAPANESE CARRIER DECKS, the second wave of planes is being brought up and loaded with munitions...the Japanese flag snaps tautly in the wind... ON THE GOLD COURSE NEAR PEARL HARBOR, American officers are laughing on the putting green near the club house, where the American flag droops from the flag pole, limply at peace.>>完整场景
If we must go to war, there is only one way -- deal them a blow from which it will take them years to recover. In that time we can conquer all of the Pacific, and they will have no choice but to ask for peace.>>完整场景
He has kept the peace between our Sicilian and American friends.>>完整场景
We will make the peace, you and l.>>完整场景
Only peace in my old age.>>完整场景
Vincent, make your peace with Mr Joe Zasa. Go on.>>完整场景
When I was older, I learned many things from him here. I was happy that this house never went to strangers; first Clemenza took it over, and then you. My father taught me, in this room, never to act until you know everything that's behind things. Never. If Hyman Roth sees that I interceded with you in the Rosato Brothers' favor, he'll think his relationship with me is still sound. I'm going somewhere to meet him tomorrow. We have friends in some very important business that we're making. Do this for me; you make the peace with the Rosato Brothers on their terms. Let the word out that I forced you; you're not happy wit hit, but acquiesced, just because of me. It will get back to Hyman Roth. Do this, Frankie. You can trust me.>>完整场景
The VIEW PANS up to the altar, where Connie and Merle, in the same clothing they wore to the Tahoe party, are being married by a Justice of the Peace.>>完整场景
Tom, I never thought you were a bad Consigliere, I thought Santino a bad Don, rest in peace. He had a good heart but he wasn't the right man to head the family when I had my misfortune. Michael has all my confidence, as you do. For reasons which you can't know, you must have no part in what will happen.>>完整场景
(with strength) But I am a superstitious man...and so if some unlucky accident should befall my youngest son, if some police officer should accidentally shoot him, or if he should hang himself in his cell, or if my son is struck by a bolt of lightning, then I will blame some of the people here. That, I could never forgive, but...aside from that, let me swear by the souls of my Grandchildren that I will never be the one to break the peace we have made.>>完整场景
That's the whole matter then, we have the peace, and let me pay my respects to Don Corleone, whom we have all known over the years as a man of his word.>>完整场景
Tattaglia has lost a son; I have lost a son. We are quits. Let there be a peace... (he gestures expressively, submissively, with his hands) That is all I want...>>完整场景
(pushing the bottle) Have some more. We got him outside his office, just before I picked you up. You have to make the peace between me and Santino.>>完整场景
(suddenly) Stay with me Godfather. Help me meet death. If he sees you, he will be frightened and leave me in peace. You can say a word, pull a few strings, eh? We'll outwit that bastard as we outwitted all those others.>>完整场景
All right, yo, peace!>>完整场景
No peace of laughter is rigid, not quiet laughter is superficial.>>完整场景
Since my husband died, they haven't left me in peace.>>完整场景
I really do. That's... That's why we're doing everything we can to bring peace, and to train up your own Afghan forces.>>完整场景
The monk is at peace.>>完整场景
I'm Ruby/Rails developer with 5 years of experience. I want to become a senior developer but I feel like I'm stuck and not sure where should I go. Some thing became boring and routine, and I want to learn something on the basis I already have, but there are so many new things. It's confusing me . I would be appreciate for any advise. Peace!>>完整场景