
vt. 使发笑;消遣;娱乐;使愉快


It occurred to her that she had taken a hard route, just to escape July Johnson. Her own folly amused her: she had once thought of herself as smart—but look at where she was. If Dee Boot could see her he would laugh his head off. Dee loved to laugh about the absurd things people did for bad reasons. The fact that she had done it because she wanted to see him would only amuse him more. Dee would tell her she ought to have gone back to Dodge and asked one of the girls to get her work.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“No, Dish, I’ve someone else in mind,” Augustus said. “Don’t run your hopes up no flagpole, though. Lorie’s apt to be skittish of men for the next few years.” “Hell, she always was,” Needle observed. “I offered her good money twice and she looked right through me like I was a glass window or something.” “Well, you are skinny,” Augustus said. “Plus you’re too tall to suit a woman. Women would rather have runts, on the whole.”The remark struck the company as odd—why would women rather have runts? And how did Gus know such a thing? But then, it was a comforting remark too, for it was like Gus to say something none of them expected to hear. Those that had night guard would be able to amuse themselves with the remark for hours, considering the pros and cons of it and debating among themselves whether it could be true.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You watch this one and I’ll go catch her,” Jim said. “I bet once I do she won’t get away for a while.” “Why, Jim, you can’t catch her,” Hutto said. “In this dark? Remember how she ambushed us? If she was a better shot we’d both be corpses, and if she’s got a rifle hid out there somewhere we may be corpses yet.” “I ain’t scared of her,” Jim said. “Dern her, I should have cracked her with a gun barrel a time or two.” “You should have shot her,” Hutto said. “I know you expected to amuse yourself, but look how it turned out. The girl got away and the deputy only had thirty dollars and some dirty underwear.” “She can’t be far,” Jim said. “Let’s camp and look for her in the morning.” “Well, you can, but I’m going,” Hutto said. “A girl that size ain’t worth tracking.” Just as he said it, a good-sized rock came flying through the air and hit him right in the mouth. He was so surprised he slipped and sat down. The rock had smashed his lips; blood poured down his chin. A second later another hit Jim in the ribs. Jim drew a pistol and fired several times in the direction the rocks came from.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Blue Duck took so little interest in her that she couldn’t understand why he had stolen her. He scarcely looked back all day. He untied her when they stopped, tied her again when they mounted. Once, drinking at a creek that was barely a trickle, the hand she was bracing herself with slipped and she got mud on her nose. The sight seemed to amuse him slightly.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
She sat silent, showing her puzzlement, which only seemed to amuse Gus.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In respect to her silence, too, Gus McCrae was different. At first he seemed not to notice it—certainly he didn’t let it bother him. Then it began to amuse him, which was not a reaction Lorena had had from anyone else. Most men chattered like squirrels when they were with her, no doubt hoping she would say something back. Of course Gus was a great blabber, but his blabbing wasn’t really like the chattering the other sports did. He was just full of opinion, which he freely poured out, as much for his own amusement as for anything. Lorena had never particularly looked at life as if it was something funny, but Gus did. Even her lack of talk struck him as funny.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It might amuse you to know that while you were upstairs having mousse with me and Liv - who, by the way, finds me very conventional - I had Irina was down here in the cage.
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Now, you'll have to amuse yourselvesquietly. I have work to do this morning and I am not to be disturbed.
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