
n. 分割;划分,分开;隔离物;隔墙


INT. SZPILMAN ROOMS, WAREHOUSE - DAWN The partition has been pulled aside. People, including the Szpilmans, are dressing or dressed, packing up their belongings.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS, ABOVE WAREHOUSE - NIGHT semi-darkness. A large room with an improvised partition of blankets to separate the men from the women. Three-tiered bunks.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
160 INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT FOYER - NIGHT 160 Silberman can be seen through a glass partition next to the bullet-proof glass booth enclosing the NIGHT DESK SERGEANT'S counter. The Sergeant hits a button and there is a loud BULL-CLACK. The electric bolt on the security door opens and Silberman steps out.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
He slides open the partition window between them.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
Ives, shaking his head, joins in. As they carry Kat towards the vault door, Ives points at the glass partition
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
I don't think they're ordinary. I love keychains. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE LIBRARY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Parrish moves deliberately down the hall, slows as he nears the doorway to the library. The door is open. He hesitates before he crosses the threshold, taking in as much as his eye can see, now tentatively, he enters. INT. LIBRARY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT A beautiful, classic room, areas of dim, warm light, club chairs, books reaching to the ceiling, a rolling library ladder, a weathered dictionary on a stand, a model boat carved of bone set into the stacks which are separated from the reading area by a seven-foot high partition of obscured glass. Parrish, poised in the doorway, looks around, nothing in sight.
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